Do You want to get free coin?
Here I will share with you how to get 3 Qash coin. Qash coin can be exchanged for Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. and that is can be send to your bitcoin account
- fist step
Sign-Up your Account
to sign-up your account please to clix here
then fill in your email and password (password for sign-in-not your email password). The password consists of eight letters and numbers, begun by caps and ending with numbers.
for example : Mxercjk9
Apakah anda Mau mendapatkan coin gratis?
Disini saya akan membagi kepada kita bagaimana mendapatkan 3 Qash coin. Qash coin bisa ditukar dengan Bitcoin, Ethereum atau Litecoin dan bisa dikirim ke alamat bitcoin anda.
- Langkah Pertama
Sign-Up Account Anda
untuk mendaftar account anda silahkan klik disini
Isi dengan nama dan email anda, kemudian isi password (password untuk mendaftar bukan password email).
Password paling kurang terdiri atas 8 huruf dan angka, dimulai oleh huruf besar dan diakhiri dengan angka. Sebagai contoh: Mxercjk9
- Second Step
confirm on your email
2.Langkah ke 2
Confirmasi pada email anda
The Third Step
Then, upload your id card to verified your account, need 1-3 days to verified your account.
langkah ke 3
Upload Foto KTP anda, butuh waktu 1-3 hari untuk mendapat status verified, bonus baru bisa didapat ketika sudah status accound verified.
*The fourth step
Share your link referral, when there are 4 person verified their account by your referal, you can send your reward to your bitcoin account
Langkah ke empat
Bagikan link referal anda, setelah ada 4 orang yang terverifikasi, maka anda sudah dapat mengirim reward anda ke account bitcoin anda
Best Regard
Azka Ahmad Fadjar
Jeunieb Indonesia Steemian
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Hey @aafadjar, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
thanks bro..
let's to get free 3 Qash coin.. Your blog too good
Good Post Bro
thanks bro.. let to sign-up, now I had been get 3 Qash