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RE: Is this the end of the internet known to us? - NOIA network

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago


Just to be sure I'm not misunderstood
I am very intrigued by NOIA
I thought the article written was well versed and spoke in favor of it
My reply to Chekohler was in defense of the young man who made the post

I hope all is well with you my friend
How is that married life treating you

All the best

Posted using Partiko Android


Dear @benfreed

Thank you for your kind words my friend. Life of a married person didn't really change that much lol :)

We're both focusing our attention on immigration policies as those are rapidly changing across the world. And we're both not only from 2 different countries, but also from 2 different continents. Where one country is dominated by Christianity and other by Muslim population.

I feel like my life will never be boring hahaha

Cheers, Piotr