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RE: Is the Blockchain Industry a Joke?

in #cryptocurrency4 years ago (edited)

Crypto has unfortunately seen many attempts to mix water and oil unsuccessfully. There are very few competent people in this space on the business end. There has to be a real, non-contrived, long-term demand for a product or service, otherwise it's a money grab.

With crypto, what cryptocurrencies are there with real value?

Bitcoin acts as a digital gold standard to measure the value of all other crypto, regardless of whether people believe or agree with that or not, it's just how it is. So therefore I own Bitcoin.

Hive is a censorship resistant social media DApp ecosystem with it's own economy that has been tested numerous times by bad actors, and with each successive attack the network is fine tuned. As we move into a more authoritarian period of time, Hive will naturally fill this demand for censorship resistant media. Therefore I own Hive.

There's really not much else I find interesting in the crypto space to be honest. I used to own ethereum, but I find that its purpose has mostly been served and now with authorities cracking down on ICOs I don't find any value in that chain personally. Hive does everything Ethereum can do much more efficiently.

I own a bit of XRP, but it exists on shaky ground.

The only other coin that comes to mind is Monero, which serves as a privacy coin. I however do not own any Monero as I don't have any need to. There's a number of other privacy coins as well, but they all fall under the same umbrella.

Everything else out there? Most of it falls under PT Barnum's old quote about there being a sucker born every minute. It reminds me of people in the US who are putting their stimulus check into the stock market and causing a bear market rally to enrich the wealthy even more before they do another sell off. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

But crypto sadly attracts all the wrong kinds of entrepreneurs who have never run or operated a business, and have taken in millions of dollars from young investors based on a pie in the sky dream of everyone getting rich without anything actually being produced or any demand being met.

As long as hive continues on its current path I see value. I don't really see value in too many other crypto spaces sadly.


Your comment reminded me of this post from a few years ago.

It will be interesting to see what projects are still around a few years from now, but the Internet went through similar phase also, right? Most of the companies burning through money before the .com bubble burst were worthless also.

I own some Monero. Same reason I have some junk silver and a little bit of gold. Good for a rainy day in case you need it. If the government went crazy and cracked down on all cryptocurrencies, I'd be happy to have some private coins I could use.