Stegos – Providing Maximum Security to the World via the Blockchain

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)


In the last century, people might have been wondering about what the coming century would be like. To them, the advancement of technologies in the final lap of the 20th century is a clue that more of such technological innovations would become rampant in the 21st century. So it was that the 21st century became one of the most favoured in terms of the multiple technical frameworks that sprung up. From the rise of the Internet to the extension to the Internet of Things (IoT), and down to the debut of the blockchain technology, it’s evident that the 21st century is a significant period.


The Challenges
Just as the proliferation of many technologies became rampant in the era, so was the growth of the privacy challenges. From the use of smartphones to the surfing of the Internet and the input of personal details on payment systems, the data of each individual in the world today is on the verge of compromise. Even to interact via social media networks is not as blissful as it ought as data monopolists are looking for opportunities to gain access to our personal information. The Analytical Scandal involving Facebook Inc, which is one the largest and most formidable social networking platforms, always come to mind. The platform had been fingered in the scandal for trading the users’ data (personal information).

In light of these circumstances, it becomes imperative for a platform like Stegos to come into the picture as a way to salvage the information of many people that are prone to lose their data anytime soon. Let’s look at how the platform intends to go about fixing these issues.


Maintaining Full-Scale Anonymity
The blockchain technology, at the time of launch, promised to remove intermediary or third party affiliations and replace the same with peer transactions. That formulation is yet to achieve the full potentials because many issues hinder it.

Now, Stegos is bringing back the lost anonymity of blockchain via the trio of a smartphone application, cryptographic security, and development of applications.


Why Stegos Is Better than Other Privacy Technologies
The most significant of these features is maximum security. It achieves that via many tools, such as the scalability of its blockchain network that makes transactions faster. Also, the accommodation of transactions and any other system of communication via the network is limited. That makes it ideal for users to enjoy both speed and unbiased security. Third, the chances of hackers or any other malicious party to gain access to the users’ data is reduced to the barest minimum. That is achieved via the use of a secure cryptographic pruning, which removes the consumed data and the details of coins spent via the network.

On the other hand, Stegos has a privacy coin that promises to provide better opportunities than other privacy coins. Among the several privacy features of the currency is the use of the Stegos coin for both payments and transmission of data. This formulation is an upgrade to the other privacy coins (DASH, Monero), which are only used for payments.


Final Words
The world is already torn between the users that are struggling to have some control over their data and platforms and hackers that are willing to pay any price to have the same. So, it’s a battle of the wits, of which the wittier of the two tends to come out unscathed.
Nevertheless, with the hybrid blockchain and privacy-focused cryptocurrency of Stegos, you can now have more control over your data and any other activity you engage in.

Project Roadmap

To get more information about this awesome project, visit the URLs below
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📖 whitepaper
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📣 Bitcointalk ANN
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🐧 Twitter

Writer's info
Name : Divine Okoye
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