
in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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Hope this one will educate more of us about this Project regarding who have firstdCoin account.

Copper Member
Sourse: FirstCoin Club [email protected]

Activity: 1

    [ANN] FirstCoin

December 06, 2017, 08:17:08 PM

Launch Date: 1st December 2016

What is FirstCoin Project?

The new cryptocurrency economy with Eco Sharing Program

6 divisions of the FirstCoin Project:
Next-generation digital currency inspired by the success of Bitcoin. FirstCoin is an alternative digital currency that differs from Bitcoin, characterized by faster transactions. FirstCoin's authenticity is supported by its presence on the exchange:


Eco Sharing Program
Our goal is to use FirstCoin to connect, coordinate, and support startups showing great potential. Under the FirstCoin aegis, project participants receive varying shares of sharing economy and crowdfunding company successes

Purchase FirstCoin or sell other digital currencies through ATMs. Soon, a startup operating a cryptocurrency ATM network will join us, providing project participants with varying shares. It is closer than you'd think...

Why are cryptocurrencies the future of financials? Why are they special? What advantages do they provide for you? We believe cryptocurrencies are the future of finances and consider them indispensable in acquiring comprehensive knowledge on the subject.

The FirstCoin membership allows you to be part of the success story of the newest cryptocurrency. Popularizing the club provides you with rewards. The more club members help popularize the club, the more your FirstCoin will be worth. Join now:

FirstCoin Travel
Travel, enjoy your holiday and see the world with FirstCoin Travel. It brings you hotels, flights and complete travel plans.

How does the ECO Sharing Wallet work?
It keeps together all the startups, companies and projects taking part in the FirstCoin Project.
Through the ECO Sharing Program the partners can get different advantages and rewards.

What's behind?
FirstCoin Club is managed by a company named Dynamic Marketing Ltd. registered in the United Arab Emirates.
Its management has experience of more than half-decade both in leading companies and in network marketing.
For more information: - management


FirstCoin's successes
180.000+ members in the FirstCoin Community from 188 countries worldwide.

Why FirstCoin?
We primarily involve those communities, associations, groups and sharing economy startups in our project who can contribute to the long-term stability of Firstcoin through their openness and large numbers.

There are no limitations, it works everywhere. You can send Firstcoin just as easily as an e-mail, and it is almost just as fast. It does not matter what hidden part of the world you are in, you can send and receive Firstcoin in seconds. There are no banks to slow down your transactions, so they are completed almost immediately, even on the weekends.

Just like Bitcoin, Firstcoin is unaffected by problematic banks, governments, countries, authorities, or governments. You can quickly and easily download a Firstcoin wallet, or register online without limitations or even entering personal information. Transactions are anonymous and personal information is not shared.

Firstcoin simulates the value adding limitation of gold. At most 110 million can be mined, so it cannot inflate like real currency, which countries have a tendency to print in large quantities.

Firstcoin is based on the unique technology of Bitcoin. Thanks to blockchain technology you can track coin generation and transaction authenticity. The network checks and authenticates itself, so it cannot be circumvented. Firstcoin provides strong abuse protection.

You can open or download a Firstcoin wallet free of charge. There are no monthly account fees, there is no need for a bank card. Even the transactions are almost free.

We primarily concentrate on expanding the number of Firstcoin participating businesses. Besides programmers, a large part of our team includes internationally known marketing and networking specialists with considerable connections.


Blockchain explorer

For Windows: download
For Mac: download
For Android: download


Official website - learn more us:


As we shared with you at the Superday Event on December 2nd in Thailand as well as the exceptional web conference held on December 10th, FirstCoin will be listed on a new and improved exchange.

Dear FirstCoin Club member,

The new exchange, besides creating greater liquidity, more confidence, generate more traffic and also help spread the word on our exciting news on our various projects, It helps us to connect with new traders and acquire new users of FirstCoin. All of these benefits will lead to a further rise in the exchange rate and stability for the project.

We have had to submit a number of important documents and information before starting on this new exchange. We are in need of one more piece of the puzzle to be complete and that is to launch a discussion on a forum page called bitcointalk. org, which showcases comments about the cryptocurrency world.

We had no idea that such an old-fashioned interface would be needed and could greatly affect anything but we have respected the request of the association.

Since this forum page is quite new and has been lanched upon the request of the exchange committee we require your help to upload some comments about FirstCoin, we're sure it will be all good ones, so that we can build more information online about the project within specific circles.

We believe that you agree with us here at FirstCoin that it is our common interest within the FirstCoin Club to achieve the highest exchange rate for FirstCoin, all that needs to be done now is to share some of your positive comments in English is possible on the following interface:
Source: FirstCoin Club [email protected]
Your comment should include:

  • Why you like FirstCoin as a cryptocurrency?
  • How many people do you know who uses it?
  • What country are you representing?

As with most other forums, In order to add your comments, you will be required to sign up on the page.

This process will only take a fraction of your time to complete however it will create an extremely positive feeling around FirstCoin and leave good information online for those who would also like to transform their lives using FirstCoin and show positivity around the project in the future.

Please always double-check your e-wallet address before sending coins.
This is a kind reminder for you doing this.
Please always CHECK your wallet address before the transaction.
It is very important, because we are working based on the blockchain technology.
(This means transactions are irreversible and irrecoverable.)

Please add your comment here:

We are thank you in advance for your help.
Source: FirstCoin Club [email protected]


I like this post its avery spesal post

Thank you