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RE: Crypto investing guide

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Cannot agree more on this, perfect article.
My current bets are on the following coins:
1. Steem: Why Steem you would ask, Steem is a dapp blockchain that can win the whole social media, we all know that social media is expanding like crazy and with decentralized apps like Steemit (replace Reddit), DTube (replace YouTube), DMania (replace 9 GAG) shall I continue? I think it's enough, I have studied this coin movement a lot and I think it will go to places. Plus, Steem is fastest and its far more used than any other crypto coin, besides that, it's without transfer fee.
2. BitShares: why Bitshares. Well BTS is the Bitshares/OpenLedger main coin for charging a transfer fee and if you take at Waves exchange market you can see that Waves coin went up to 14$, the same goes with Binance coin etc. I know that BTS is worth around 14c atm but the Bitshares exchange market grows faster and the most important thing is that is DEX and on long run DEX will always win, I think BitShares will be among the top 3 exchange markets.

Those two are my winners atm, I don't invest in a lot of coins I just invest in the coins that I know about and I trust. So IMO I think those two are gonna be worth a lot in the next 5-10 years, I'll keep them.
Ofc, I am not a financial advisor, I do not advise you to invest in those two coins, I just wanted to share my point of view about my golden coins :)

Sad vidim da si iz Srbije, lepo je video balkance ovde, veliki pozdrav! :)


Hvala. Imam i ja i Steem i BTS, obožavam oba projekta i mislim da su jako potcenjeni. Mislim da će za oba tokena najveći problem biti EOS. Dan je rekao da će na EOSu napraviti bolji Steem 2.0 i novi DEX. Ako to stvarno uradi, usporiće mnogo razvoj STEEMa i BITSHARESa. Poadrav :-)