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RE: Blockchain Will Make Banks the Next Blockbuster

The only thing I ever use a traditional bank for anymore is temporarily holding my paychecks until I can transfer the money to someplace where it can actually be useful. Even then, if the company I work for was comfortable with it I'd just have my pay deposited straight into Paypal like everything I ever make on the side.

The banks in Minnesota, USA, have steadily grown more and more useless as they've "locked down" on security to help the steadily aging population here feel safer. Purchases outside the country are declined across the board thanks to these security measures and every time I buy something online from a company that's not located in MN I get a call from the fraud department asking if it was a valid transaction and if I can't answer at the moment they lock out my account until I call them. I wonder if they even realize they're making themselves obsolete?


That's kind of the question I've been asking everyone lately. "What do I actually need a bank for anyway?"