PIVX Core v3.2.2 is a supplemental update to v3.2.0/1 containing minor bug fixes.
Users are still advised to read the v3.2.0 Release Notes to familiarize themselves with the major feature changes.
While updating from v3.2.0 is not required, it is highly recommended. A bug was discovered in the block acceptance portion of the code that resulted in the rejection of otherwise valid blocks. This caused a race condition where some clients ended up on a low-difficulty chain. This issue has been fixed, and no user funds were at risk.
Highlight changes
- Addresses a race condition that caused unexpected network splits
- New checkpoints to alleviate load while re-syncing from network
Mini FAQ
- Running 3.2.1 or lower? > Please upgrade straight to 3.2.2 asap!
- zPIV to PIV conversion? > PR 891 has been created. Coming soon.
- Exchange maintenance? > Once they update, they should open up!
Download Link
Download the appropriate wallet binary for your OS from the Github or Website.
For Self-compilers, please use "git checkout v3.2.2" to compile. (not master)
How to Update
As always, it is recommended to backup the existing wallet.dat file to a safe location before upgrading if you haven’t done so already via File -> Backup wallet and saving it in a different directory with a new name. If you use CLI/Linux, you can backup using the command ./pivx-cli backupwallet. If your wallet is not running currently, you can back up the file “wallet.dat” from e.g. Start -> Run -> %APPDATA%\PIVX on Windows by making a copy elsewhere.
Gracefully exit/stop the current wallet from the wallet. (File - Exit or ./pivx-cli stop)
Download and install the new wallet appropriate for your OS.
Linux/Rpi: Overwrite the existing executable files with the newly downloaded wallet binaries.
Windows: Install via the setup executable file and run through the setup wizard to install.
Mac OSX: Download .dmg file, open .dmg then drag PIVX icon to the applications folder icon. (copy over /Applications/PIVX-Qt)
Re-start the wallet. (Launch from your PIVX shortcut icon or ./pivxd for linux)
Once the wallet finishes syncing, follow this guide to ensure you are on the right network chain.
Upgrade completed.
P.S. If you are a masternode user, you must upgrade both the controller wallet & masternode wallet, then restart the masternode.
1 - Will I lose my coins after the upgrade?
No, you will not lose your coins after the upgrade. In fact, we recommend everyone to upgrade to the latest wallet to benefit from increased security & stability that comes with it.
2 - I'm having issues with my wallet launching, not seeing my coins, having issues syncing etc.
Please check the Knowledge-base Articles here: https://pivx.freshdesk.com/support/solutions or ask for help on the support channels in PIVX Discord @ https://discord.pivx.org.
3 - My zPIV isn't working / sending / staking after upgrading to 3.2.2.
Due to a recently discovered vulnerability, zPIV has been temporarily disabled in the network. The next wallet is expected to re-enable to ability to spend zPIV.
4 - What is Deterministic Seed (dzPIV) & how do I use it exactly to backup/restore my zPIV?
Please see this detailed Reddit post: How to use deterministic zerocoin generation
5 - I'm missing some zPIV that got minted and sent to the Accumulator. Where are they?
Firstly, make sure you aren't using the same wallet in multiple places. If so, it could be the cause as zPIV is only visible from the wallet.dat that it minted from. Also, if you have tried swapping out your wallet.dat with previous backups in an attempt to recover your zPIV, make sure to NOT delete the latest wallet.dat as your most recent zPIV minting information does not exist in your older backups, So if you have restored to an older backup, please restore back the latest wallet.dat which was used to mint those zPIV. Then please follow this KB: https://pivx.freshdesk.com/solution/articles/30000025649
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To ALL PIVX community members, feel free to RESTEEM this article! Let’s keep spreading the word of our amazing community focused privacy centric global cryptocurrency.
Keep it purple people! - #TranslationPIVXteam
Great work! Please give us an update on the replacement for the zpiv.
What technology? how does it compare to the other existing and lastly the progress. Is it like halfway done? Do we need to wait weeks, months?
More news will come soon. A lot of great stuff is in the works. Timewise we can't really go into details as that is always difficult to do. If you want to get closer to the fire, do join our Discord.