I'm gonna have to jump on the [LTC] bandwagon on this one. Dash appears to me as an elitist type blockchain.
It takes 1000 DASH to run a master-node and get a crack at the rewards system (albeit only 45%). That is more than half a million $USD! Only deep pockets can afford to cough up that much for a single node. The network will run less nodes and be less democratic by nature. I find that undesirable.
I am not saying that DASH is not going to succeed. I am just saying that their protocol is elitist and that is unfortunate.
@primalfrog we cannot be on highest shares on every blockchain technology out there for sure.
Instead more and more people will be using a crypto which can fill the gap for the people, who are completely non-technical... :)
I am not sure I understand what you mean by "highest shares"?
in PoW (Proof of Work) more hashing power you have is equal to more control over the network, Just like in PoS (Proof of Stake) more coins :)
Hope i answered well... please let me know, if there's still any confusion...