The best way to implement unwanted change is to disguise it as the solution to the current problem. Blockchain represents decentralised freedom to most, yet it also potentially represents the birth of one world currency and the end of free trade as we know it. After the dollar burns and crypto rises from the ashes we will all be forced to identify ourselves and every last transaction will be collected as data so that the banking elite may continue their surveillance and control of the monetary system.
I am using my steem birthday post as an opportunity to pose this thought to the community at a time when the fiat system is looking shaky and the implementation of blockchain technology is in full throttle, with the intention of creating some healthy discussion around this subject so that we may learn from each other and better prepare ourselves for what is coming.
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
This name has become synonymous with freedom, but what if the organisation behind it was actually the banks themselves?
I came across an article recently in which this idea is entertained.
It was odd that bitcoin was built around the SHA-256 hash function created by the National Security Agency, and that the entire concept was remarkably similar to what was described in an NSA paper published in 1996 titled βHow To Make A Mint: The Cryptography Of Anonymous Electronic Cash.β Brandon Smith
Could it be that crypto is just another ruse of the new world order, leading freedom fighters to create the infrastructure for something sinister while turning bitcoin & blockchain into familiar words we associate with liberty, making us all the more ready to usher in their offered solution when the shit hits the fan?
Whatever happens we can be sure it has been planned well in advance.
Economic Collapse
I know many of us 'conspiracy theorists' have been going on about this one for years and by now we probably sound like a broken record. To most the idea of economic collapse is incomprehensible but in my mind it is more of a mathematical certainty than a possibility.
The ruling elite have codes & practices they must work by, one of which forces them to publicly announce what they are going to do long before they do it. They have overcome the apparent paradox of this situation by ensuring that most of us are too asleep to notice or even to care.
With this in mind let's take a look at the 1988 cover of The Rothschild's Economist magazine. It is worth noting those are not just dollars going up in flames, but a mixture of international currencies.

There has been much speculation about the meaning of the date on the gold coin, though it can be confirmed now that 2018 has born witness to a sharp reversal in almost every major market.

My personal feeling is that the date on the gold coin is a reference to the October 2018 edition of the same magazine, which looks like this.

The black background is particularly poinient because 'The World in...' series traditionally shows on its cover a visual representation of what we should expect to see the following year.

Previous covers for this series have been colourful and rich with predictions, which for the most part have been very accurate.
So why a blacked out page for 2019? Strong feelings are evoked in me thinking about what this might mean.
You may also be interested to know this is the 33rd edition of this publication, a number associated with freemasonry.
If indeed the gold coin around the neck of the phoenix is directing us to this dark prediction for 2019 we should be preparing ourselves now for the end of fiat currency and the birth of a new monetary paradigm. Albeit one which is still very much controlled by 'them'.
Accumulation cycles
For now it is encouraging to look at the past history of Bitcoin in relation to its future. This chart I picked up on Twitter shows the up-to-date history of its accumulation cycles.
I came across a film yesterday which perfectly demonstrates the game of accumulation being played by institutions and immediately felt inspired to cut the following segment from the full discussion so that I could share it here.
Interesting to see it has been watched over 15,000 times since I uploaded it, little more than a day ago. Could it be that people resonate with the idea being presented? Check it out for yourself.
In short the big players are pushing people out of Bitcoin with their negative sentiment while secretly scooping it up on the cheap, for their ultimate goal is to accumulate as much as possible.
Knowing this, we can safely assume Bitcoin will soon rise again and with it the rest of the crypto market. Though when a majority of the 21 million Bitcoin are owned by banks they will be in the perfect position to manipulate the market with a much more effective system than FUD alone.
All or nothing
The advice I hear from pro traders all the time is to only invest what you can afford to lose, yet I chose to ignore this completely and go all in, quitting my job as a filmmaker to become a full time crypto enthusiast & blogger on the Steem blockchain.
In truth I never had much to begin with so it isn't too difficult for me to replace the advice of pro traders with my own statement:
I came to crypto because it looked like freedom from the banks but now I am not so sure what it is and the best future I can think of in this moment is one which doesn't need ANY form of currency at its core for while one man can be richer than another the game of manipulation will always be played and we will never know peace here.
Whatever darkness 2019 might have in store for us, let us never forget that together we are stronger ππ»
Thank you all for your support over the last 28 months!
Who is @samstonehill?
All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.
Sam is the creator of:
The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

While I don't doubt that ultimately most transactions will become digital (and really, they already are), I don't think there is a blockchain ready to completely replace all transactions yet. Bitcoin certainly couldn't, it has too many problems (too slow, expensive transactions, etc). I certainly don't think such a thing is achievable by 2019 for that an many other reasons.
I think it will be difficult to have a single, exclusive world wide currency as long as nation states exist. I think there probably will be a worldwide currency but I don't think it will entirely replace national currencies. Kind of like some EU member countries (a few anyway) still have their own national currency in addition to using the Euro. I also think that blockchain technology makes it a whole lot easier for private currencies to exist, even if banks use that technology for evil. Even assuming Bitcoin was an NSA and/or banker plot, I wonder if they anticipated the volume and different types of crypto and blockchains that have ultimately developed as a result?
The thing about economic collapses is that if you keep predicting one for long enough, eventually you will be right because there will always be another one. If you can predict when, then you are on to something :).
What about once the Lightening Network is running at full capacity?
I predict next year ;)
I don't think lightning is a a cure-all though it is an improvement. It allows for almost instant transactions but there are still a few caveats. I still don't think it would be sufficient to replace the financial apparatus we have today. Plus there's the fact that it's potentially much more dangerous to have all your money locked up in bitcoin, particularly if you aren't technically savvy enough to keep track of your keys, keep them safe and backed up, etc. I'm not saying it won't get there, but I don't see it happening in the near future. I suppose banks could take care off all that for you somehow... There's going to be a huge resistance to a completely cashless society though, at least in some places.
Thanks for the clarification on the lightning network.
One thing I will say is that 'they' have had a long time to figure this all out and if they were able to trigger enough external factors all at the same time I believe it could be done, but they would have to be some pretty mega external factors.
Alien invasion mega ;)
I've also heard of some conspiracy theories of how bitcoin/crypto is just another scheme of the New World Order, or is the mark of the beast mentioned in bible but, I tried not to dwell on it too much. I still think its very likey though. lol
I figured either way money is gonna be made and i might as well try to capitalize on said schemes. Heck, next time I buy I'll even get me some XRP. π
Anywho, congrats on the rep and cheers for the perspective. Resteemed!!
Appreciate your thoughts. I felt as if it was a topic worth highlighting for those of us who are still living in the initial haze of arriving here, proudly flying our freedom banners ;)
There isn't much which happens here on our Great Playground that hasn't been anticipated & orchestrated by those running the show!
Good afternoon, good evening & good night ;)
And same to you! :)
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From my article "How to Avoid Funding the American Deep State":
"Regarding how expensive and slow bitcoin transactions have become:
The lead maintainer of the Bitcoin Core repository on GitHub, Wladimir van der Laan, works for the Digital Currency Initiative (as do Cory Fields and Gavin Andresen, who, however, hasn't contributed to Bitcoin Core since 2016, as far as I know). The DCI's current director is Neha Narula, who was a senior software engineer at Google. She's not the only one at the DCI who has a funny background.
The DCI was co-founded by Brian Forde at the MIT Media Lab. Forde is a former White House senior advisor. And MIT Media Lab's director, Joi Ito, is a strategic advisor to Sony and a board member of the New York Times Company (among other things). Then there is of course the fact that the MIT receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government every year.
In 2016, AXA Strategic Ventures co-lead a $55 million investment in a key funder of Bitcoin Core: Blockstream, for which quite a few Bitcoin Core developers have worked. At the time of the investment, AXA's CEO and chairman was Henri de Castries, who is also the chairman of the Bilderberg Group's Steering Committee."
Man, I'm sorry to see that so few people read your seriously extensive article on this, which I will go through later today. Thanks for dropping the highlights here.
Was aware of point 3 but not the others...
Thanks. Feel free to let me know if there's anything in the article you don't like (it did do better on Minds, but yeah).
Interesting to learn about minds. I just joined a few weeks back and am posting there now but still figuring out how everything works. Are you under the same username there?
Subscribed ;)
FYI, you can find lots of info on how to use Minds here and here ;)
And thanks for the remind ;)
No problem, your post was pretty good after all ;)
Congrats to Rep 72. That is an amazing achievement.

Looks like a cannabis legalization to me.
Resteemed :-)
I saw that one and smiled at the leaf ;)
Not sure if they produced two versions of The World in 2019? I can find 100s of articles linking the black cover version to their website but can't see it anywhere, so can only assume they have removed it now?
Maybe the black cover version was something temporary until they had a final cover?
Doesn't sound likely. I think they just produced two versions to confuse everyone! And then removed the black one from their website so that everyone can call it a conspiracy ;)
Guess they have made two versions. One black(/with the phoenix rising and one white with that nice leaf. I am awaiting drastical chances for 2019 too, especially as the things are running quicker and quicker. I am still breathless from 2018.
I know the feeling. EVERYTHING is speeding up....
Thank goodness for that friendly calming leaf ;)
Very interesting thoughts, I always look at the whole crypto thing with a healthy dose of skepticism... it's amazing in a lot of ways, but like you said, could be some sort of "trojan-horse-pandoras box" as well... who knows? Who(or what) is Satoshi Nakamoto? Having said that, congrats on 72 that's pretty legendary! π
Healthy dose of scepticism always best. Especially in this age of deception.
I am however forever grateful to this platform for liberating my mind in so many ways!
Economicsists is like well important innnit...
Weirdly I watched this one just the other day! Love my main man Ali ;)
I know, in the end it doesn't really matter who is behind this puppet show, so long as our personal journey is enjoyable. Those of us being guided by our intuition are already ready for whatever 'they' decide to throw at us ;)
Fo ReaL.
Steemit Massive.
Happy Birthday - Brilliant post! - I'm fully on the same page on this as you, I started out thinking crptos were a way to be free of the rotchild banking system, but have now come to think they are another fully controlled part of that system.
I got caught out "hodling" this year but it won't happen again - from now on I'm strictly buy low sell high - and the fact that you did that yourself with your Steem at the right time has impressed me no end. (You have cred!)
We re-watched the movie RocknRolla a couple of days ago - such a cool movie - did you work on that one?
I didn't sell as much as I probably should have done ;)
Gerry B! Makes me smile every time I see his image. Here in France he is doing a billboard campaign for Rolex, so I see him everywhere at the moment.
I worked with him just once on a low budget film called One More Kiss before he was famous. It was a small crew in Scotland and we had a right old giggle together. At one point I almost roped him into a short film I was making at the time with a friend, but he had just finished shooting Tomb Raider, which suddenly made him famous and impossible to communicate with. Have tried sending him messages through his agent but apparently he doesn't receive them... or doesn't care ;)
Hope he's happy over there in LaLa Land. He didn't seem the type.
I am with you 100%, always wondered who this Satoshi Nakamoto is and who is really behind it? Its all too secretive for my liking, but at the same token, if we can make money from it (whilst wondering) then why not? In the end we all have to survive, and whether you hold a full time job, invest in stocks, make your money by gambling or through crypto somewhere you are still bound by this economic enslavement system. Having said that though we need to stay informed and go with the flow.
Exactly right. Stay informed & go with the flow is a good way to put it.
The joy is in the journey :)
Congrats, that is an achievement.
Thankfully it has been a most enjoyable ride ;)
Great post, you got a new follower ;)
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