At least the guy on the right tried. The way the meme guy on the left touches the others arm to cut the interview short is very telling.
Ignorance under pressure and trying to get out is not a good look. They know this. But it's far worse to willfully remain ignorant.
I was a little disappointed it had to end that way. A civil discussion between the two of you might have yielded some common understanding.
What didn't get said was that people were pushed out of the community, even when they were discussing Bitcoin. Sure, it's not censorship in the same way as when a government does it. I'm usually the first to point that out in various instances. But it does have a negative effect and it's not like having the option to go elsewhere is able to entirely make up for that.
#XRPStandard bro
That had me laughing both with and at the guy actually. :D I mean it was funny as a reference, but then again to see humor used for hand wavering in this context is ugly and especially when he obviously did not even have the courage to explain his thought process behind the joke.