kindly request you if you want interested please join with my refer .
dear friends if you want make money online without investment use three site
1st site is sola, in this site you refer friends and make sola 100 sola is equal to $ 12 just refer 4 peoples and make $12 IN few mint . .
solo is good idea to earn online ...
just few step to earn online
when you open link .. a page ,,you click register
2.write email
4.user name
5.accept terms and condition on signup
click on link...................................
2nd one is Zagl in this site you want 10k views with short links its like copy past and refer friends u can make $150+ in one day
open the link .....
click on signup
and chose the method of signup .or. facebook
3rd one is mining bitcoin ,,,this is so simple u just download cryptotab and run ...but u can jut 5 refer u can earn $50 in one day
click on link sownload crypttab just open when you start internet cryptotab just your bitcoin mining start
wow thats good ideas thanks