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RE: "Insufficient space" on Ledger Nano S Cold Wallet

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I would also advise you to get more than one ledger and sync them - recovering security words on the second/third ledger
this way:

  1. in case that you loose one or destroy one ledger you will have the other straight away and will not need to wait for weeks buying a new ledger
  2. you can configure 5 currencies in one ledger and 5 in another ledger and so on - this way you don't need to uninstall and install wallets all the time.

I'm going to do this good advice

Good news: apparently with the firmware update to version 1.4 you can now have 18 different wallets/apps at the same time! :)
~~~ embed:Bitcoin/comments/82e8ju/new_ledger_nano_s_firmware_14_install_up_to_18/#form-t1_dv9e7hj298 reddit metadata:fEJpdGNvaW58aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL0JpdGNvaW4vY29tbWVudHMvODJlOGp1L25ld19sZWRnZXJfbmFub19zX2Zpcm13YXJlXzE0X2luc3RhbGxfdXBfdG9fMTgvI2Zvcm0tdDFfZHY5ZTdoajI5OHw= ~~~