It's 1 a.m. Mooncoin is crashing. It's going to burst into flames at the end, like in the movies, isn't it?
Jigsaw whispers in my ear -- cut your hand off and crawl thru a pit full of dirty hypodermic needles; it's the only way out, he's sure of it. Jigsaw never traded cryptos. He's too sane for this.
I use my still non-severed index finger to swap 20K shares of MOON for MANA, because the name is soothing. MOON soon catches a bid, and retro-crashes up. It was a crap coin anyways, wasn't it? Do I kick myself for selling it? What's my MANA "empire" going to look like in the morning? The crypto gods know. I don't. But Jigsaw is gone. The MANA trade got rid of him.
Jigsaw don't trade cryptos. He's too busy selling screen plays.