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RE: C# Programming Beginner Tutorial: Designing the Game with Programming Logic in Mind (Part 1)

I really appreciate that! C# is separate from C++. Some of the concepts are similar, but only insofar as programming languages are similar.

C++ has sooooo much more in the way of header and cleanup. The dotNet Framework does most of this for you. There are, obviously, some nuances that I won't be digging too deeply into in these beginner tutorials; but the majority of components are far more straightforward than with C++.

In addition, once you learn dotNet through C# it will trim down the learning curve for Visual BASIC and other dotNet-based languages. On top of that, it will make learning the "simpler" languages even easier since you should already have the foundation in place.

If you already now some C++ techniques, then it will help you understand some of the concepts quicker, but it's definitely not required.


Wow.. This is so much bigger. I wish I could meet you in person for a physical tutorial. Thanks for your answer.

You're quite welcome. Yes, this project is a huge project. I've wanted to do it for quite awhile, so I think it will be good to use it as the basis for my lessons. Maybe sometime in the future we will meet in person... who knows.