Highest paying crypto blogs

in #ctp3 years ago

In my last article, I said I was gonna make another article where I would give a detailed breakdown of Crypto-based sites where you can earn by writing unique, quality articles. Like I said in that article, a lot of excellent projects with solid teams behind them have embraced the idea of owning blogs and mini-blogs thereby creating an ecosystem of some sort, and their various tokens are used in running these ecosystems, ultimately furthering adaptability.The beautiful thing about these sites and the idea behind them is, you don't need to write articles about cryptocurrency. Your articles can be about anything as long as it makes sense and as long as you aren't stealing someone else's work. The important thing is, by posting your articles, earning tips on them, reading other people's articles, commenting and tipping them too, you are invariably perpetuating the idea behind these platforms which is information(crypto and non-crypto based) circulation/dissemination using their websites as well the circulation and usage of these tokens. Makes a lot of sense, don't you think?Before I burn out all I have to say, let me just dive straight into these sites. I will be starting in the order of sites with the highest earning potential (IMHO) downwards. Then there will be some honourable mentions. So here we go...

  1. Read.cash: (Token: BCH) If you know about read.cash then you wouldn't be surprised I placed it at number one. But in case you don't know much about it, then read on, you will find out why it is number one on the list.Readcash is BCH powered platform and the earning potential is unbelievable. One of the reasons it has such a good earning potential is because of the rural, closely-knit nature of the communities on the platform. It is like a small village, everybody kinda knows everybody.

There is a user on Readcash who has been carrying out some remarkable projects in rural Nigeria communities with the help of the Readcash community who come through with financial contributions and this user updates them periodically with videos and photos of stages of the projects. That is such a beautiful thing and it goes a long way in spreading the word of Bitcoin Cash and at the same time reaching out to those rural regions who are crying out for basic human amenities.

[](Here is his page)

Your article could also catch the attention of Angel investors like MarcMeMesel and you get the biggest surprise of your life. [](Like this guy here...)
Then there is the bot officially in charge of reading and tipping articles accordingly, @Randomrewarder. [](Here is how it decides what to tip and what not to tip). It is kinda strict but usually very generous.So basically you can receive tips in BCH(Bitcoin cash) from any one of the aforementioned sources (other writers/readers, Angel investors and the bot) you could receive tips from all of them if your articles hit home. This tips you receive on Read.cash are withdrawable as soon as the tips is given which is almost immediately.

The tipping and withdrawal processes on Readcash are very simple, there are no technicalities and there are no wait time before your token could be withdrawn.
Leofinance earnings.png

  1. Leofinance.io (Token: Leo)Don't let the name demotivate you if are a generic writer because contrary to what the name might suggests, you do not need to write on just Leo nor finance before your articles would be acknowledged for tipping, at least from what I have seen so far on the platform.Leofinance.io is a Leo(token) powered blogging platform where you can write and earn Leo Token which is withdrawable after 7 days. This is largely because 7 days is the time span allowed for every article to reach it’s gross potential in terms of earnings, then whatever it had accumulated after that 7 day period, you can then withdraw.Here, the tipping pattern is a little bit technical if you are looking to understand it but looks easy on the eyes if you don't care. This is because; articles receive tips according to the voting power of readers/tippers. Some upvotes you see on articles are just merely LIKE while others carry the weight of actual token, it just depends on the tipping power (Leo Power available to the curator/tipper).

Just like Readcash, there are more than one way your articles could be tipped – By the platform, and by readers/curators.

The earning potential on Leofinance.io would have rivalled that of Readcash if not for people like Marcdemesel but I would say it comes a close second, all things considered.

The bit that could be considered a downside on Leofinance in terms of funds withdrawal is the 7 day wait period. It makes sense though if you look at it from the point that it is merely a period of time articles are allowed to gross out before you could withdraw the funds they have accrued.

An upside here in comparison to Readcash is, Leofinance doesn’t place premium on exclusive/unique contents. Which means you could also post YOUR content from other platforms.
Hive earning.png

  1. Hive.blog: (Token: HIVE)

Hive.blog is another platform where you could earn significant amount of the HIVE token by producing quality articles. I am not gonna be writing much about this particular platform yet because I am not clear yet as to how it functions, in terms of tipping and withdrawals, but it looks a lot like Leofinance.io. So far, my earnings are quite good but there is a lot of things that still confuses me about HIVE. Maybe when I have explored it enough, then I would edit this article and add whatever I had gathered, but given what I see on the trending page, the articles there are grossing really good, lots of articles earning top dollars.

These are the 3 top platforms I am currently blogging on with massive earning potential for writers. If you are consistent, you could make up to $200 a week minimum posting on these three platforms.

There are some honourable mentions too like I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Noise.cash (Token: BCH)

A mini blog carved out of Read.cash with a tipping system similar to that of Publish0x. Here the platform gives you BCH fractions and you are required to tip other users varying amount and keep some for yourself. Noisecash is a lot like Twitter where the accounts with the biggest followers get the most tractions and most tips from their followers. The tips would go straight to whatever BCH wallet address you provide. Depending on how big your followership is and how active you are, you could make anywhere from $0.50 to $4 or more...

  1. Publish0x( ETH, AMPL & FARM)

This is a popular crypto-blogging platform but doesnt quite pay as much as other blogs in the same popularity circle. The highest grossing article I have seen on Publish0x is about $30 in tips and that would have taken a lot of time to accrue. Users are given fractions of ETH/FARM/AMPL to tip articles in a pattern I talked about above. You can only tip a user once in 24hrs, but cross tipping happens once every 7 minutes.

It is a bit tiring using this platform if your aim is to earn because it would take a very long time to earn anything significant. But if your aim is to have a presence everywhere in the cryptosphere, then publishing here is OK.

There are:





Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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