Gaslighting & Verbal Abuse Needs to Go! Short read

in #curie3 years ago


Interesting concept came to me this morning. I was up all night with GI issues. Unpleasant!
Not sure what it was but I hope to catch up on sleep today.
Last 7 days I been called satanic, stupid,dumb (have a double major and another related degree.) What else, oh yeah, whore, dope whore, cunt, ETC for ________? No reason. It came from the mouth of my SO, who asked me to marry him. 16 hours later he recanted it because of something so inconsequential I did I dont even remember what it was.

I have been promised many back rubs but when I ask I am told I no longer deserve it. Mind you I'm the mother of his one and only child.
I thought I'd share with you all. Metaphorically,if someone were to pour part of your drink out, you CAN GET IT BACK. IT'S CALLED GOING TO THE REFRIDGERATOR! 😮You can APLOGIZE for hurtful words and actions BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM BACK! Thoughts, comments? Would love to hear from you. ♥️
the image is not me found on pixabay, matched how I feel