Drug Store Confronted Where “Perfectly Healthy” Woman Died 7 MINUTES AFTER TAKING BOOSTER!!!

in #dandicks2 years ago

Drug Store Confronted Where “Perfectly Healthy” Woman Died 7 MINUTES AFTER TAKING BOOSTER!!!

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A woman died in a Shoppers Drug Mart just 7 minutes after taking a booster shot and the Saskatchewan coroner's service has investigated this instance and determined that the person died from “natural causes.”

The family disagrees saying that “she was happy and perfectly healthy!”

Meanwhile the CDC have released the newest numbers from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showing at least 163 children dead, 1.2k disabled, 15k hospitalised & 58k injured in the US alone due to the Covid-19(84) vaccination.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) news that is attempting to convince people that it is safe to inject children with this experimental MRNA technology when the numbers clearly indicate that it is not!

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WOW They’re Really Heating Things Up!!! Live News Breakdown And AMA With Press For Truth!!


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Check out today’s video..!


I was listening to Spotify and heard an ad from the government for children under 5 to get the jab. I called the number and asked them about this; they said they don't know anything about the science but could tell me where to get it. Eventually pretending to not hear me and hung up.

They probably have some minimum wage employee that can't do anything but tell you where to get the shot. Convenient that they don't know anything or can't answer any questions.

I recently went to a store and the employee couldn't add up the coins the person in front of me was try to pay with. WTF are they teaching kids in school these days?

If you die suddenly within hours of the shots IT'S PROBABLY FROM THE SHOTS!!! 🤯