At The End Of The Day All We Have Are Words - So Use Them

in #decentralized2 years ago


It's true. Words are the most powerful weapons we have in the human arsenal. Without them we are nothing. Words have given us the medium of conversation and through conversation we have achieved many great things and advanced many good causes.

However, as we are all too aware the human condition is susceptible to corruption and self destruction. Clever and powerful people have come along and used words to divide and repress us. They've told us things that aren't true, and they've neglected to tell us very important things when they were obligated to tell us those things. Sadly words have been turned into weapons and used against us, such as propaganda.

Let's remember though, we are many and they are few. We can use our words to fight back. We can provoke conversations the elites do not want us to have. We have the power to use our own words to open minds to the corruption and galvanise people to act. If we want to find the right solutions finding the right words are going to be very important in that quest.

Although many of us are - we must not be distracted. The power of distraction has proven to be a very effective means of controlling the masses. Instead of them distracting us we need to find ways of distracting them, as a starting point.

Why Am I Talking Words?

We will get nowhere if we don't talk. There are many bad things happening in the world right now and we need to talk about them. At the very least we must acknowledge them before we are able to defeat them. We know who the main villains are - corporations, governments, banks, central banks, international central banks, hang on I'm spotting a theme here. Yes - BANKS. These entities have destroyed countries.

They have been allowed to achieve their destruction by our governments. Put this in the global context and the picture becomes even more depressing. The global elites, who are also the banks, have tools at their disposal such as the United Nations or the European Union to ensure the population in every country on the planet suffers.

I could sit here and type a million words to explain all this but you wouldn't want that. So for now, as we all know, bad things are happening in our world which directly affect our own lives on a daily basis. I don't think I'm alone when I say that we need to do something about this. Continually voting for the Democrats or the Republicans in America, or the Conservatives or Labour in my country, isn't going to give us the change we so desperately need.

When you go back to the end of World War 2 and think just how much time these political parties have spent in power and look at how much regression has been accomplished in that time, how much division and disunity exists now in our countries, and how much poorer we all are, surely you must realise that continuing to vote for these parties simply supports the elongation of the misery.

Make Your Contribution

So let's at least make an attempt to right the wrong. Let's talk. Come join me and others in the DiggnDeeper Discord community. We're an eclectic bunch but we share the same common purpose - to find solutions and make our world a better place.

The DiggnDeeper project has been around for a while now but I'm in the process of attempting to reinvigorate it and assembling the army. This means reconnecting with established members but also requires finding fresh faces. Go to and take a quick look at what we're about and what we're trying to achieve. If you care about what's going on in this world and you want to do something positive about it come and join us.

Don't forget the Hive account is loaded with almost 200,000 HP so we have some vote love to throw around if you want to constructively engage.

tell yourself there's something you can do about it