This Covid-19 farce is showing most people in the world are absolute SHEEP and when I look around I see little hope things will turn around.
Italy and Poland have made face masks mandatory in open spaces. Croatia will implement the policy starting next week. This will most likely spread worldwide.
Imagine the insanity of governments preventing its populations breathing FRESH air, oxygen, esentially suffocating them. And for what? A glorified flu that statistically hasn't killed more people than the yearly fucking flu.
And if forced suffocation and humiliation isn't bad enough, we are heading towards the final solution which is the CHIPPING of human beings. Whether they chip you through a vaccine or it's a separate process remains to be seen.
If people allow themselves to get chipped it's GAME OVER, CHECK MATE.
Your life or death will literally be in the hands of people that own your chip.
Chips transmit but also receive electric impulses which means they will be able to kill you literally with the push of a button for any or no reason.
The first group they will kill off will unironically be the people first in line to get vaccinated, chipped - pensioners.
The PAYG pension system is unsustainable. With people chipped they will easily kill off pensioners. They won't let them enjoy their pensions for long.
If you play part in getting vaccinated and chipped you will damn us all because no human being will be allowed to eat, work, have shelter without a chip. You will have failed as a HUMAN BEING for you have consciously chosen to be a SLAVE.
Let's organise. Let's stop wearing masks in massive numbers, say no to vaccination in massive numbers, say no to chipping in massive numbers.
Talk to people. Say NO.
7 billion people in the world. At best there are a few thousand behind this planned enslavement. They can't arrest billions of people.
So talk to your fellow man and say NO together. Just say NO to being a bitch slave.