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RE: Re: #2 Antisocialist: Responding to comments

in #diatom4 days ago

The dust is sharp and cuts into the shells of exoskeletons allowing the moisture to come out.
If you hit one with a pinch of powder, it's done.

Boric acid is another roach killer.
Not real toxic, they use it in eye surgury.
It is the primary ingredient of roachpruf.

I've dusted houses with roachpruf that had trails running across the walls, it took a month, but they were gone for 2 years after that.
Both are very effective for most household pests.
Neither is a danger to you or the pets at household exposure levels.
Just sweep the powder into the corners and under the cabinet drawers.


For humans death by dehydration is considered one of the gentler ways of dying. 7 days and your out.

For insects, it's a matter of a few minutes at most as the diatomaceous powder sucks essential oils and moisture. How much pain they feel I can only imagine it is close to nothing but the cuts they certainly will feel those.

Hopefully they don't evolve to resist that too and start to see them do lines like a cover addict with that stuff.

Yeah my pets would be my top concern but I see that it's safe to use, especially since it can be applied in places they won't be able to reach.