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RE: Parenting - TEACH THEM MONEY!!!

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

I actually have done a little digging and a toy im really interested in getting is called the cubetto, its a wood toy that teaches kids to code. Also i know a great ted talks for perspective on how to view an infants brain, ive taken some of her theories and adjusted them for my own parenting style but her talk about the word gap is very troubling. Ill reply link to the ted talk youtube video if youre okay with that


Sure, why not, let me see it.
By the way my kid is 9, so if you have any material close to that age it would be great if you could share.

Maybe something like the sphero sprk+ ? Its a pretty awesome looking little device.

Thank you, definitely a great idea to take in consideration.

Not really relevant for a 9 year old either but it still paints a good picture for any parent to consider.