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RE: Watch Me Destroy My House (bathroom edition)

in #diy10 months ago

Hahaha you are so right about always finding more work if you poke around. I might just be lacking the failsafe that would prevent me from getting into these messes.

I wouldn’t advice anyone to do their own bathroom renovation without experience but I don’t follow my own advice.

This house was definitely on the cheaper side for the size since the bathroom and kitchen are all very outdated. I am doing this all for myself and I do not give a shit about adding value to the house in case we want to sell some day.


The right attitude to have as make it the best for what you want now to live in and enjoy it more. I learned not to poke things lol with one project turning into a 6 month project that was not planned for. I have a great handy man who is good at what he does and he does all my poking around. What you have accomplished so far is remarkable.

This poking around is definitely turning into a 6 month project. You reckon I’ll learn my lesson?

I’m stubborn (and poor) so no handyman for me. I’m not paying someone to make mistakes, I’ll make them myself please and thank you 😝

Lol. Your attitude is right but also brave. My attempts end up costing more most times so it is cheaper to have someone know what they are doing. I do watch and try to learn however just in case next time it is required.

I lie to myself that it’s cheaper to do everything myself 😝😅 and I think in the long run it will be but having to buy so many tools costs a lot at first.