in #dlive7 years ago


As blockchain technology emerges so do intellects, creators, and innovators. Utilization of the Steemit platform has shown me that mass growth and progress are possible through the use of communal collaboration.

My live stream is at DLive


Are you in Ohio? I live in Dayton Ohio.

The steaming pile now

Is talking about haiku

I want to make one

Join the Chat!

I'm a part of the deal I've Discord, but I'm not sure how to join your guys's stream

Sorry about that. Damn voice to text. I was trying to say I'm part of the dlive Discord Channel, but I'm not sure how to join you guys on this chat

The meeting code is: 468-186-430

I'll get that a little later. Right now I'm busy. Thank you.

@acousticsteveo maybe this article is helpful.

just sent a donation - thanks for being part of the DLive community! #InDLiveWeTrust