Welcome to 1992.
Come and play this long forgotten DOS game, it's super simple: Pick horses and win prizes, 10 Steem prize pot - no skill involved!
Whoever has the most in-game money at the end of 12 races wins the top prize.
How to play
- 6 Players
- 12 races per game
- Top 3 win steem!
1st Prize = 1.5 Steem
2nd Prize = 0.5 Steem
3rd Prize = 0.25 Steem
that silly will win
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
Hi :)
I'm fine @arrjey, thanks. How are you?
Elliot do something
omg did I bet 5$?
ok ok jajajajja
oh I think I should say something?
Oh I have to bet
ok so 400 on 1 top 1
silly me lol
where are we? what is this? omg lol
Oh god I can see this on steemit! :O
will vote at least
LOL Eric noooo
Oh again?
ok I'm thinking
600 on 3 - top 1
Ok I'm rich. Give me my money
Eric read: NO MONEY LEFT lol
Ok, all in 1 to win
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
500 on 1 top 3
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
thanks for the awesome steem :) and entertainmnt :P and horses
see ya ;)
400 on 6 for top
lol i might win this thing
horsey no 1 in top3 for 220$. im going big baby. Ooops i gotta go peeee. bb in a min, dot start without me
This looks so fun, I remember playing as a boy (I am old lol). I couldnt figure out how to race???
Let me know when you've arrived and we can get started.
Hi people
Hi emil
Just waiting on a couple more
Horse number 4 will win the race
im here
how do i place a bet?
"No skill involved"- This is my kinda game boiis!
lol i do have some skills tho :P
Lol that horse looks downsy
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