Are We Being Divided?

in #dlive7 years ago


The Identity Politics of Turning Point USA

Candace Owens A Fraud?

If you weren't butt hurt and watched the whole video I touched on a lot of subjects that I think need to be discussed.
I usually make a video, and then I sometimes I make other videos based on reactions,
comments, or insights I have.

Reasons I made this particular video

  1. The fact that Black people have to remain non-critical of each other and we shouldn’t expose each other for wrong doing.( I don’t know what race or sex you are, but I think you would find it pretty insulting for someone to say that you can’t speak your mind because you should “stick by” the person that looks like you or is on “your team”) Also it is a way to silence free thought by saying we shouldn’t “rock the boat”

  2. To thank the people that respectfully disagreed with me.

  3. To thank the people that agreed with me

  4. To point out that women who criticize other women have other motivations besides jealousy

  5. To talk about the hypocrisy of the right for not properly vetting people yet putting them on pedestals, and how they are going to end up in the same situation as the left

  6. To talk about the pursuit of truth being important

  7. How all of these behaviors are a human condition and not a matter of left vs. right.

  8. Learning to agree to disagree

  9. How people need to make better distinctions between criticisms.

I know there is more that I talked about so…. Please take those points into consideration (Using the Candace vs. Tree video I made as a foundation yet focusing more on the other points I made) That was my intent for this video.

My video is at DLive


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