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RE: Dog Blog #1: The emotional life of dogs | Das emotionale Leben der Hunde [EN | DE]

in #dogs2 years ago

Wow as we say where I come from, you've got yourself a dagger of canine wisdom! I think you can have long talks with Frieda now, she is very cute and looks like a young puppy.

By the way I saw the Hachiko movie and cried and cried while watching the movie.

I am still trying to figure out my nephews 4 dogs, what I will never understand is where they get so many hairs!!!! 😁


Thanks @mballesteros.

I think you can have long talks with Frieda now

At least I am steadily learning to understand her better. She is often a bit smarter than me and understands exactly when I talk to her from day one.

By the way I saw the Hachiko movie and cried and cried while watching the movie.

To be honest, I had the same feelings. Had a really hard time holding back my waterfalls. 😬

what I will never understand is where they get so many hairs!

Just get them used to your vacuum cleaner. It is THAT guarantee for a hair-free living room. :-D
Frieda often gets vacuum cleaned. She didn't like it at first. I had to bribe her with treats. Today she loves it.

Sending friendly hugs to you! 🤗