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RE: Spider Coccoon

in #drawing6 years ago

I shamelessly abuse all of the foliage and starfield stamps/brushes ;D Haven't actually used the mountains one yet, did have a play around with it (of the "oh what's this? [smashes it randomly into middle of totally unrelated piece] ooh that's kinda cool" [erase continue working] variety, it doesn't do a terrible job of at least giving you a base to work with :)

I think if we keep slowly just doing what we normally do (with reduced vp if necessary at least while things are stabilising) it might help it stabilise a bit faster especially when it realises it was seriously overcharging for some of the transactions ;D


hahahah thats what i was doing, ryry XD i was just like STAMP STAMP STAMP!!!!! wheeeeeeeeee~ STAMP STAMP STAMP!

And yeah, i agree, I think if we keep up our normal steemit behaviours, it might help the recalculations and stabilization...... but it's so hard.... there's this almost persistent and vast QUIETNESS ; ___ ;

Kinda like the room is huge and there's less people saying/doing stuff XD;;;

I'm becoming self conscious OH NO~


Just keep doing what you're doing XD I suspect the rc recharges to full every 24hrs (but will have to wait til tomorrow to find out if that's actually the case) so I can at least be a comment spatter cannon again, must restrict to my only-upvote-if-commenting rule til my vp recharges more though lol XD

yeah i will also try to monitor my stats, and then adjust my commenting /steemiting behaviours :D