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RE: Commodification of Everything Except Our Dreams: 2008 is The Year I Woke Up

in #dreams7 years ago

I was not talking about losing my stuff. I was talking about losing all my money, with the recession, and basically the only thing that kept me alive was my family, food stamps, and my own survival instincts.


Me too - many times I have been with close to zero money for extended periods of time - the most recent 5 or so years included. I was a teenage runaway so I know you can live without it. I also had a few broke years in Appalachia where money is not expected from anyone.

I did have food stamps once or twice but mostly I trade for room and board. I can't get too interested in money - to my detriment, I am sure :) So far, I just keep going on in spite of it all.

Sometimes I make good money, but looking back the broke times have always been the best for me even with the difficulties. Usually poor people will help you the most and I have a lot of good memories of those times and people.

@fitinfun you are a cool person .. glad to know you.. I believe many have struggled in here and have the intellect with the knowing they are now thriving.. thanks for sharing that story in your comments.. @stellabelle has helped me a lot through reading her thoughts.. I believe everyone in Steemit has something to offer. Great we can stop the people stealing or at least make others aware of it.. time to make chai.

This is a very inspirational place for sure. Not quite the tsu experience, but I think I will keep at it :)