Ciao DrugLords,
In the past 24hours we have read many complaints and some false assumptions coming from some players, we are totally conscious that our last decision was a little shock for the drugwars community. So this announcement will help you to see clearer about what we want to achieve and why we choose to take this decision.

Are we leaving Steem?
Hell no! WE ARE STEEM, all of our plans for the coming years are based on Steem. We suggest you to read this post :
But I dont get it, you said you will use FUTURE?
Using another token does not mean using another blockchain. For your information, Steem is a blockchain, and STEEM is a token like SBD is. FUTURE is also a token and will work in complementary to the Steem Blockchain. It is also the first step of our cross blockchain implementation and a collaboration to bring more awareness around Steem.
Why your own token?
This is probably the first question that came to your mind. And even if the answer is not so simple, we will try to explain what happened.
We have now one of the most played game over crypto. We are getting contacted by many people including investors and also trying to reach them if it's relevant for the good of the game. Beside that, the distribution and the size of Steem can scare most of investors, while the FUTURE token can give them more guarantee with a transparent and fair distribution.
Do we need investors?
There is no doubt that we need investors to be able to develop the game in good circumstance and make it great.We would like to have a better designer in the team, some 2d-3d illustrators, more developers to go faster and deliver more beautiful features to the players, and as we said we really want to make the interblockchain wars too.
But we let you calculate the gain made by drugwars and tell us if you can achieve all of this without investors. If you can do it, don't hesitate to DM @hightouch in discord maybe you can have a role in the team, who knows :)
So it's only about money?
Not at all, the token FUTURE is on a solid blockchain which is already in collaboration with Steem and which offer us different possibilities to complete the missing features of Steem to make DrugWars even more accessible and powerful. More informations about it are coming soon!
Are FUTURE tokens on a dirty blockchain?
Definitely not, most of steemians have probably already used the blockchain where FUTURE tokens are.
You guys took my money!
We didn't took your money, you decided to pay to go faster to obtain rewards or to be able to destroy some people that you hate. But do we want to take off with the money that you have spent ingame and which constitute your rewards? If yes it would be better for us to make it when the pool was at 120k+ STEEM no? Are we are bad scammers ? Probably...
That's also why we run Fundition without any fees and distribute daily STEEM to Steemians for months now, when many other dapps are now like abandonware and still cut off 10-15% fees on your rewards!
We are definitely bad scammers!
Why are you pumping your own token with Steem?
We tracked the lowering of the pool as many players did, and this decision is by far the best for the players and also for drugwars. While 90% of our players are in positive (try to find that somewhere else and I send you some chocolate) some early players and some new ones will have problems to get back their investment. With a fair airdrop depending of the Steem spent ingame and the time past on the game nobody should see any difference.
So I can get my money back or not?
Few days after the release you will be able to cashout your FUTURE as Steem and leave the game if it doesn't satisfy you anymore, this guarantee you to get at least what you would won if we continued to use STEEM as token for the rewards.
We also invite all amateurs investors to cashout their FUTURE at the launch for their own good.
Wait it's not a ponzi scheme and you are not scamming me?
Obviously drugwars was always the opposite of a ponzi scheme, some people compared it to robin hood and that's exactly how it was designed, a free to play game, and a play to win, even if the bots made by some "visible complainers" stole a part of the rewards from players, remember the number of positive accounts and try to find a common point with a ponzi. For people who threat us of scammer, we would tend to say that your *** are scammers. But politicly it would not be correct.
For people who are simply worried about the money they have spent in game, they should know that the amount of FUTURE airdropped and dedicated to the pool will correspond at least to the amount which is now in the pool. So no reason to be worried about the value that you will get back with FUTURE.
You are taking too much beneficiary fees on post!
This is something that we recognize and nobody should lost SP or STEEM while sharing a post with drugwars. In that way we are making some big changes which should satisfy everyone. Be expected to get the news in the coming 24 hours.
And dont forget all is fair and love in DrugWars!
Need more information about the token. SMT, Steem Engine (LOL someone already registered future) - or your own sidechain?
What is the supply? How are they minted?
Posted using Partiko Android
If it's not on Steem Engine, I wonder who sent me Future tokens for some reason on there. Actually, even if it is, I kinda wonder why they sent me some. Could be someone registered the token after their post and sent me some and others some as a joke.
Yeah, @beggars did it, lol!
Yeah, I should have taken the 5 seconds to check.
It is difficult for me to grasp the thinking behind your posts, and the ongoing errant developments in the game. Trying to understand what might motivate the creation of the FUTURE token at this point in the game's evolution from basic principles doesn't indicate any potentially positive intentions or outcomes.
Criticisms of the writing quality of your posts aren't without validity either. You can clearly afford the cost of a competent writer, and that you do not implies one of two things: you're so arrogant you fail to grasp the negative impact of these flaws, or you're so greedy you aren't willing to pay anyone any money you might get yourself.
You might as well have named your new token FUCKUALL, as that seems to be the actual spirit behind this post, the token's creation and application, and recent changes in gameplay.
I have consistently tried to provide sound advice and good reasons to not take this path. I have not been heeded, and the current situation is the result. I have not been alone, and far wiser and better gamers have been just as ignored.
My worst offense taken by these recent events is not how they will impact DW. It's just a game, and has proved that dapps that can leverage Steem, as Steemit did for blogs, are going to fill a void that can be highly profitable. It's that linking this disappointing situation to Futureshock is going to taint that incubator with these poor decisions, and may existentially harm it, as well as itself.
No matter what you think of DW's future potential, it is critically important to you, DW, and the community affected that you recognize how you have horribly failed to consider your communities interests by making so many cryptic, unannounced changes, and particularly this transition to an entirely different token and economic structure. The paucity of flags on this post surprises me. You deserve much more censure than you are receiving. I think the lack of it may reflect that so many have just given up already, and no longer bother to even flag.
It's a shame that you have destroyed so much goodwill and potential beneficial interest by undertaking actions that practically seem intended to do exactly that. How can you fail to grasp that creating incentive for people to spam posts for meager upvotes will be regarded poorly? How did you not know that constantly changing gameplay without annotation or announcement would anger players? How in the hell did you fail to realize the shitstorm you would launch by dramatically changing the economic structure of the game - and particularly by abandoning Steem as the underlying currency of the game for an entirely separate blockchain - would result in the current loss of goodwill and participation of players in the game?
These are breathtakingly stupid mistakes, and they seem to keep getting worse and worse.
You guys are going to bear the marks of these decisions as long as you maintain your accounts on Steem. I highly recommend you take the lessons you are learning to heart, and keep those accounts active, because you will gain respect by that contrition, as well as self awareness that seems to elude you at present.
I wish you the best of luck, and luck appears to be what you can count on, as wisdom doesn't appear to be in your corner presently.
The only reason more than half of us joined was because it was a Steem game. It they want to create their own tokens why not use Steem-Engine to keep it on Steem. In the Discord one of the guys from DrugWars team had asked if we had already bought some Future tokens. What does that mean? Is the token already on an exchange? Why don’t we have any information on the tokens yet if people could already buy some. When he had said that I went to Steem-Engine to look and saw a Future token and thought it was them til they released a statement next morning saying it wasn’t them on the Discord announcements.
Posted using Partiko iOS
My understanding is that yes, the token is already available for sale, and it's an Obytes toke, per @edicted's last post on the matter. A lot of folks jumped on board because this was a Steem dapp. Now that it's not, well, jumping ship is how they got here to begin with.
We'll see how things go, but IMHO, it's not going well.
Yeah, that’s also part of the problem here. Seems to me that you’re just another group of hobbyist coders and social half-wits that managed to finagle some delegation and are simply rewarding yourselves and your friends through other “project development.” many times have we seen that happen around here? In a few more months, Drug Wars will probably be a dead project and Fundition will just be voting on posts authored by the various team members.
Oh, wait...?
Maybe I’m actually from the future.
Lmao he's from satan!😂
I mean can we blame them. Steem has had over a year and millions in funds to create SMT and still we have nothing. If u should be mad at anyone it should be the CEO of steemit who has broken so many promises and cashed out millions.
Posted using Partiko Android
How come since drugwars started it is as if somehow there is only the Steem Blockchain existing in the crypto space, and as if the crypto world hadn't had this exact game mechanics already before on Ethereum, EOS and lastly on the Tron Blockchain with the game that is still running, TronGoo..
I feel that we will end up with all the shitty dapps, and most being not so fair and honest, we are like atleast 6 months behind the other top chains and I guess we will receive the worst :(
Given the numerous upset responses, I wouldn't be surprised if you ignored my comment. So merely replying would already show me that you are in fact a dev team who cares about their users (which deep inside I still believe you are).
I understand that change is the only constant thing, especially in a blockchain game that's still on beta. But just like how you announced the opening of battles a week ahead of time, it would have been nice to let us know about implementing the future token. It could have saved us all a lot of frustration.
No point in crying over spilled milk, though. It's still not too late to give us detailed information about this FUTURE token. What is it / will it be good for? Can we spend it in the game to buy upgrades or troops? Is it being traded already? If so where? In your post you also mention: "We also invite all amateurs investors to cashout their FUTURE at the launch for their own good." Why do you say that?
As far as the English of the post... I tend to agree with many angry voices who complain about it. It's not entirely incomprehensible, but a bit frustrating for sure. The same goes for the game as well, btw, which also reduces your professional appearance. If you want, I could do the proofreading for you. You could even pay me in FUTURE tokens, especially if they deem usable in the game. :-)
What blockchain will your FUTURE tokens be on and why not Steem-Engine tokens?
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'm not going to contribute to the discussion, @hightouch. I said what I had to say last week. It seems like you didn't only piss me off this time.
Some good advice: it would really be a good idea to not ignore all the comments on this post. People are asking for clarification. Who can blame them?
If you really want to do good for the community, like you say, I think it's important to give them that clarification. Dropping a post like this and then disappearing from the radar... you just can't do that.
You claim to be a good guy... then show them you are and start replying. And I don't mean you should start calling people names. If you have a clear vision, please share it with all these people that have loads of questions that have remained unanswered for more 15 hours.
Understand their frustration, and acknowledge they have the right to know more than just the vague info that is given in the post.
24 hours since you dropped the bomb, and still radio-silence... This isn't helping your case. What has happened to good, ol' customer service??
Self-voted, I still have the idle hope you will see this and care about your customers...
When I see the mechanism that you guys brought ingame I feel this might be a smart way of run a PONZI SCHEME! Yeah I mean it, yeah I know what I meant!
Once I said my feelings in a discord and some experts said, keep low profile and shut your damn mouth lol :D I feel I was correct! You guys did a great job, but what you missed is the token, you should pay rewards with a token that runs top of STEEM! But you guys didn't and now a new chapter!
Hope you have an idea and experience what has happened to DLIVE. They said a lot, but for me un-succeed when leaving this community! So, it might happen on drugwars (probably)!
Again the moment you missed everything was shift the entire structure out of STEEM, if you guys still think to attach with STEEM, but run top of this and bring a token which supports SMT in 2020! Then everything might be alright!
(My flag won't hurt you, I just used it to show that I am against what you guys upto)
So damn true this guy even sucks on writing articles may God give him a nice writer with nice english language LOL!!! Drugwars **** you
Posted using Partiko Android
Way to say, "Ha ha, suckers! Thanks for your money."
THX for your statement.. while I understand that you are pissed because of a lot of BOLD language from some users... many comments on facts and game mechanics definitely have a point..
I really hope your are not about to issue the future token on ethereum.. stay on steem!
And get a cryptoeconomic expert into your team!!
while I highly appreciate your work and effort, now it's crunchtime... the reaction of the community to your next steps will be make or brake for drugwars...
I don't know why people are talking bad, project is in developing stage and you may see many changes. People should wait and see rather than talking bad...
Bro, exactly my thoughts... y so much negativity and zero patience?
Because people bought in to the game based on expectations. when those expectations don't pan out and are changed at random without forewarning people get angry.
I agree with the forewarning but those expectations are also subject to development. Steemit also has/had this issue. There can be more transparency
People freak out when money's on the line.
I don't mind dealing in FUTURE tokens. The only point you should work on is the abruptness of your decisions. Plan them well. Give us enough time to understand the decisions and make our own decisions.
That's it.
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Hey guys, be carefull to @beggars, he's a jalouse scammer
Keep on spreading lies, you look so desperate. You've spammed this link to your poorly written "scam alert" which actually contradicts itself. Anyone reading this, I recommend you go read his poorly written post and then read the comment I left.
Dude I do not want to argue with you but I will give myself the trouble.
1 / @drugwars declares wanting to create a token that will be called Futurs while staying on Steem (because the SMT still does not exist)
2 / You create on Steem Engin a token called Futur and you start sending them to people.
3 / you stop criticizing the game while you play it.
So either you are a guy who has nothing to do with your life and you want to piss off the others, or you want to scammer. I chose the second option.
I personally know the people at @drugwars and I see the flow of criticism from people like you (I do not know you that's true but it's not a reason). Thanks to this team the best radiation of our blockchain steem in front of all other projects. It's still incredible that you do not understand that you're "shitting in the soup" as we say in French.
Here I tried to make a constructive answer, unfortunately I would also say to you the eyes in the eyes: you do not deserve it. You have no respect for the work of others.
Last point, this same team worked for one year on the project fundition with 0 income, we did not see you encourage them. As soon as they create a project that will pay a little, we see you land: that's why I treat you jealous.
If you have arguments I'll listen for the rest good continuation to the @gruwars team, @fundition, @hightouch and all the others ...
The only positive thing here is this part:
For the rest, I only agree with the comments below. Hire someone to write the posts for an amount of STEEM, but mainly because then we don't have to read all these kicks below the belt against the players that have been paying to play the game.
The arrogance, the tone, drop it dude! Unless it's your intention that the biggest part of the community will turn their back on the game? No players, no game I'd say...
There's something like constructive feedback, and the person you're barking against below @beggars is just right.. you should do something with it instead of insulting him. You're really showing your true colours here, and remember that most players will read the comments of these posts too, and every time you start insulting people, you will lose a significant amount of credibility, and people will shout even harder that it's a ponzi scheme!
If some people find the new coins and they bought them before the rest don't know on which blockchain than this is far from transparency and fair distribution.
Not to mention that the title of the post also misleading readers.
Don't you love it when there's a contradiction between the title and the first few sentences? Ahhhh, the smell of scammed money and clickbait to make some more last-second money. This was the orgasm of the drama right here. Giving this to you because the bastards at DW don't even deserve a !dramatoken
Plot twist: Drug Wars is actually promoting Drama token.
Posted using Partiko Android
Here's your
. Don't spend it all in one place!To view or trade
go to definetely deserves a chance...
Steem is a revolutionary invention but there were some big negative sides from the beginning (which also could be pros taking @null in consideration):
A lot of tokens were owned by the inventors, devs and some early birds...
Along that also the power to flag down or push up projects...
As the main thought behind Steem as I understood was that the majority of users has this power in opposite it was only a chosen few...
I do not want to critizie their intent or actions and through all hills and valleys I like the idea of Steem, I like the Steemit Mothership, I like to see many people engaging in sideprojects etc. - to cut it short I love the achievements made so far...
Unfortunately there also happened some scam like with Dlive (I do not know the exact story but heard some rumors).
Anyway, Drugwars is a big chance for Steem, and all of us Steemers beeing early adopters should feel glad and the point, that the distribution and depth of Steem could be "harmful" for recruiting new investors/players to me is completely comprehensible...
I hope not to be disappoited when I wait patiently for what the FUTURE might bring :-)
I'm ashamed I was promoting this game on my posts.
Posted using Partiko Android
You Laaaghfiin!
i saw you laggghhhfin!!!😀😭
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You've got
!To view or trade
go to!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @seymuces!
First transfer was before 28.41 days.
Your ROI per day is 5.26 % and you are earning approx. 0.20 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 12.37 % and you are earning approx. 0.47 STEEM per day.
100% flag for being a bunch of deceptive pieces of shit. Fuck you @drugwars. Please fuck right off you bunch of piece of shit fuckers.
This post makes no sense.
I've read all words above but I still don't get it.
It keeps saying "we are trying to give better benefit to users"
BUT I am not going to be pleasured even if I will get bigger amount of FUTURE Token which has "NO VALUE"
I have one question.
Why didn't you give us FUTURE token reward at very first moment?
If it does, no one start this game and no complain.
In a case of the reward changing from steem to FUCTURE, who is gonna be happy with????
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @cryptoewp!
First transfer was before 32.69 days.
Your ROI per day is 4.49 % and you are earning approx. 1.55 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 6.97 % and you are earning approx. 2.41 STEEM per day.
LOL..... I feel like people saw this coming from your last post. Nice job making it about you and your hurt feelings and not you scamming tons of money out of people...
Thank goodness I didn't set my foot unto this big disappointment. My friends lost money.
I also lost money in Ponzi many years ago and I told myself to never look back and always look for red flags like game-change, referral commission, early investors are the ones that earns, etc.
Posted using Partiko Android
Here's your
. Don't spend it all in one place!To view or trade
go to scam
this should be satire
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @etherpunk!
First transfer was before 37.48 days.
Your ROI per day is 1.00 % and you are earning approx. 5.03 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 62.7 days.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 0.15 % and you are earning approx. 0.75 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 420.2 days.
With that heist earning your were not playing to much right?
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @cryptoewp!
First transfer was before 30.41 days.
Your ROI per day is 4.41 % and you are earning approx. 1.52 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 7.75 % and you are earning approx. 2.68 STEEM per day.
I'm just here for the comments
Haha now you are resorting to dodgy clickbait titles.
It seems you get off treating us like garbage.
Do you like degrading us?
Have fun laughting at us from the lambos you bought with all the money you made and will perhaps continue to make.
We deserve this treatment for being so dumb and stupid.
Posted using Partiko Android
As far as I'm concerned you guys haven't made a bad product yet, so I'll definitely be HODL'ing my FUTURE :) Good luck!
Posted using Partiko Android
I think if I had 1 steem for all the grammatical and spelling errors in your posts I would have enough steem to refund all the disgruntled players without your airdrop... Maybe you can hire somebody competent in the english language to proofread your posts...
Got me there with the title. Clickbait at its finest.
Lol you deserve a drama token
I’m confused. Could any of you briefly explain what on Steem is happening now? Thanks.
Drugwars is getting drugged and drug addiction is bad isn't it?so drugwars will soon come to an end if it's going on like this...
Posted using Partiko Android
Clickbait post is promoting Drama token.
Posted using Partiko Android
Haahahaaha!!!wtf man
🤦♂️ 🤦♂️ 🤦♂️
Posted using Partiko iOS
I am thinking the FUTURE token is on BitShares blockchain. I was in there earlier and came across a FUTURE token, so I am guessing that is it. Not around that computer to verify though. I am sure they will tell us I. The next day or so.
Posted using Partiko iOS
LOL and from where this money come? From your investment? NO from Ned delegation. Yea ofcourse you could keep all your income from this delegation but comeone! Dont show this as a great chairty!
Posted using Partiko Android
I do not understand why every small project needs an own ecosystem
if you would have a daily user base of 100K I would understand the idea but so it seems weird to me. your project your rules, although the promise seemed to be a different one...
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @bartheek!
First transfer was before 39.30 days.
Your ROI per day is 0.91 % and you are earning approx. 3.65 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 70.5 days.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 0.27 % and you are earning approx. 1.08 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 238.0 days.
Dear @drugwars, can you send back 257 STEEM tokens, what i'm invested (fuck those 400) ? Thank you.
You have over 30k STEEM, so you will not converge.
Where's my fucking money! That was my money! MY MONEY! 😉😂
I will keep playing the game and see what happens with the FUTURE token. Keep working hard and don't let the bad reactions get to you.
The game is getting worst, they are eating our money.
I lost my 25k DRUGS invested in heist just 15 min before this comment.
🎁 Dear @dhruv123,
SteemBet Seed round SPT sale is about to start in 2 days!
When our started the development of SteemBet Dice game, we couldn’t imagine that our game would go so viral and that SteemBet would become one of the pioneers in this field.
In order to give back to our beloved community, we’ll distribute 4000 STEEM to SPT holders immediately after Seed sale. Plus, investors in this earliest round will be given 60% more tokens as reward and overall Return on Investment is estimated at 300%!
Join the whitelist on SteemBet webiste now and start investing! Feel free to ask us anything on Discord
I like this game and how it drips a bit money every day :p
wish you all the best
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @kobusu!
First transfer was before 38.84 days.
Your ROI per day is 4.35 % and you are earning approx. 3.22 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 1.74 % and you are earning approx. 1.29 STEEM per day.
Why dont you fix the mechanics of the game first before doing these bad upates? Maybe you would do a little better if people actually enjoy the game!
Battles should be on top of your list right now, how am I suppoed to attack people if I dont even know their power? So i should just attack and hope the enemy doesnt have a larger army?
And this post was unprofessional as fuck! You guys deserve to fail if this is how you treat your community.