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RE: QrlSmnZ (original electronic music)

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Wow, those are some nice textures. Heavily mangled but still easy on the ear! I like the way you went all out and practically showcased your skills, especially with those reversed kicks, they sounded so smooth. I don't know if you are into making trap beats, but parts like 1:32 and 1:39 would make for great-sounding trap/dub beats/fills if you focused on arranging them around a nice floaty pad layer a la Alva Noto. Maybe with some extreme panning wierdness?
Also, what kind of bitcrusher did you use? My go-to is TAL Bitcrusher, but honestly I can never get the aliasing right, especially when I reverse or stretch the samples afterwards, like you've done @ 0:57.

For some reason my upvote is stuck at loading, I may have come to late :(