
Aaawww... Always makes me smile when I see you back to posting! Follow your heart too :D

Nice to see you too!!! Always. Don't follow the herd, follow your heart :)

Honestly the URL share is what I disliked the most. If the platforms shut down your channel, or if they go bust one day, there will be many dead links on dtube.

I have made a pull request to add an upload endpoint switcher on upload interface, which has already been merged and will be applied on the live website soon. This will reduce the load on the official servers as it allows users to choose a 3rd party endpoint to upload to, that may be faster and more reliable. Details here

I hear ya bro

Totally agree with this. And ill step it up 1 more part of the brilliance to me. As many in this crypto space are skeptical of mainstream youtube. Well with this new Dtube... if you are willing to go through the friction you can upload solely to Dtube. Meaning choice. Ie. I choose to not care and upload from youtube or vimeo or wherever... or a person could say... fuck youtube... I’m going to upload this only to the decentralized space i feel comfortable with = Choice. = brilliant

Great point! Hope all is well brother