
In Dtubefamily777 or Link 777 family there are certain descriptions which we follow kindly find the descriptions below.

DtubeSnap - Dtube video that is less than 1 Minute long

DtubeSnapX - Dtube video that is more than 1 Minute but less than 3 minutes long.

DtubeSnapPlus- Dtube video that is more than 3 minutes long

DtubeSnapQ - Dtube video that contain authentic question/s for Dtube community

#SnapComment - Comment with no further response/replies from the person who write the comment

#SnapPlusComment - Comment that is open to more engagement by the person who write the comment

#SnapFeedbackComment - comment that contains feedback/s that related to content/comment itself or feedback that related to content creator’s journey.

Have a great time ahead. 🙂