
It seems this trend will continue as long as people are willing to sink their money into these fad projects. The worst hit would be those that got in at the tail end. Just terrible.

RIP Control Finance Review. Now let see for how much long will the bitconnect will survive?

Another one bites the dust! The website contained many grammatical and spelling errors. No offense to any non-native English speakers but I think the person who edited Control-Finance is still enrolled in ESOL classes. The lack of professionalism alone casts suspicion on them. All the millions of dollars that the owner(s) of that website pulled in and you mean to tell me that they couldn't hire a professional editor and web designer? SMH

I know it was obvious that this was a HYIP and I tried to warn people but as long as people are making money in the short term they do not care until they lose money when it is too late. SMH!

Shits funny, people should realize its a ponzi scheme but then they are in 5-6 other scam programs. Am I just crazy or are people just dumb? lol

I try my best not to judge people but I'm getting very close to just calling it like it is, lol. How many programs do people have to lose money in before they throw their hands up.?

They will stop eventually... but they will keep going to the next program ... until they get burned so many times and give up but more newbs are getting trained everyday 😳😂

Next... Bitconnect??? Regalcoin???

It is very possible that those programs will follow in the footsteps of Control Finance as well. I do not want to see either of those program go down but the math will be hard to ignore as time goes on.

Surely if you were running a ponzi you would at least privately register the domain. It's free with most decent domain name companies. I'm guessing the info must be fake