"What is Bitcoin?", An Exclusive Interview With Roger Ver

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

In this interview, we had the chance to talk to Roger Ver - known as "Bitcoin Jesus" by many - at the first Nexus Conference in Aspen, Colorado. Roger Ver is one of the biggest names in the crypto currency world, owner of www.bitcoin.com, an angel investor, and a major activist in the crypto-space. You can come find him every year at Anarchapulco, and just about every other freedom & crypto- focused conference around.

Learn more about Roger

Learn why people call Roger the "Bitcoin Jesus"

Roger goes after hackers & thieves

Roger's plan to start a libertarian country

Roger puts up $100,000 for Bernie Sanders to debate Adam Kokesh

Roger discusses his love of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


The Nexus Conference was put on by Nexus Earth, an organization which "...seeks to Free humankind from centralized systems. Being decentralized is not merely enough. We must decentralize the decentralization. Using software and hardware, Nexus seeks to build the foundation for the most decentralized system to ever be developed: Nexus Earth. This network will empower everyone from the first world to the third world. Not everyone has money, but everyone has time. The time has come to decentralize everything. The foundations of cryptocurrency should be built upon decentralized principles. Nexus seeks to fulfill this mission. " This first year of their conference included big names like Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, @sterlinluxan, @jeffberwick, @adamkokesh, @dbroze, Peter Schiff, Max Keiser, and many more!

@wearechange-co is a collaborative effort by @kennyskitchen, @johnnyhurley, and @triberisup. Please follow this account and each of ours if you like our content.


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Great post about bitcoin....well bitcoin is something which everybody wants these days.

Man he is trying to do some damage to Bitcoin these days...

Bitcoin is the thing my wife got jealous of me.. haha

"Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of world since
the internet" - Roger Ver

I support bitcoin.....because it is a future digital currency.....

Is not the future, is here right now

I believe most times we ask the wrong questions thereby leaving so many confused. Now 'What is Blockchain' is a good Question or What is Cryptocurrency is another good question. What is Bitcoin?' is rather vague and requires taking it back to the explanation of Blockchain Network and Protocols.

Bitcoin is freedom, bitcoin is the future valueble money.. :-) and bitcoin is the enemy of regulated and manipulated government currencies.. :)

i agree with you. but i'm also worried because bitcoin is actually easier to track down. it's a public record that the government can easily analyze if they have the right tools. you can't exchange anything without having your money go through a corporation. and corporations especially the biggest ones have close ties with the governments. i hope i'm wrong but i just can't see it being the magic solution to regulations and government manipulation at this point. maybe in 10 years. i just can't wait!

surely government will make the move of if not to stop bitcoin they have to find ways to regulate it since it would be their loss.. bitcoin grows in an exponential manner however there are also great risk on an unregulated system, like people do no have financial insurance incase unexpected cyber crime happen just like hacking of wallets and etc..

All i want for Christmas is you, joke give that sweet sweet intangible asset they call bitcoin!

GREAT Interview... Highly rEsteemed!
Thank you for DTubing it.
SteemON Bruv ; )


Great post @wearechange-co very informative! I love it when he said ".. decentralize the decentralization.."
Thanks for sharing this! Resteemed!

Folks might want to read up on why a very large chunk of long time holders consider Ver ‘Bitcoin Judas’. Personally I have no interest in what he says any longer... his actions speak volumes. Don’t ask me for links, proof etc... it’s only a DuckDuck search away.

Dig your vibe soul brother! We're trying for similar efforts here in Utah.

Random inquiry but has anybody tried to do a decentralized ISP yet? Like maybe through Ad-Hoc wireless?

It took some time before I realized that this was an old interview... "Basically free to send...", "$3500 for a bitcoin..." The good old days;)

just a couple months ago haha. The good old days..

I respect bitcoin alot, but I blv steem will get there.

Same here. Definitely see STEEM clearing $5 next year :-)

I really like the idea of starting a libertarian community. I am hoping to find more intentional communities in the near future and would love to join one as I consider myself an agorist and voluntaryist. Actually, it was an agorist who introduced me to this platform, Steemit and to cryptocurrencies in the last several years. What I have seen here on Steemit is a lovely online community of libertarians, voluntaryists, anarchists, and fellow agorists. I think the idea of decentralized p2p networks has progressed a thousand fold in the last two years and for that I am thankful! Without people such as Roger Ver, we would probably still be looking for valid solutions to trade outside of the USD, other than silver and gold. I am looking forward to what the future brings! Great post; upvoted and subscribed.

He does look like Jesus lol!

Its the other one. This guy who dont like like jesus, is the Bitcoin jesus :)

Thanks for this post.

Definitely #JESUS - Roger Ver began investing in bitcoins in 2011 and also made his first million from BTC | prices skyrocket from around $0.30 to $32 before settling at $2. He bought his first bitcoins at around $1 , If he is holding at current price which ofcourse he is .. he is a Billionaire now


thanks for the video. Why no mention of bitcoin cash? Has Roger forgotten about that?

i like to consider bitcoin on par with the invention of the printing press that eventually took a lot of power away from the few royals that used to control entire continents.

Can you tell me what is the difference between bitcoin mining and bitcoin trading.I don't quite understand about them

Bitcoin mining is running a computer, doing computations to make up the backbone of the block-chain. Trading is no different than trading stocks & bonds: people buy & sell in an attempt to make profit.

Vote me please!!!

I like bitcoin. Because, making many:)

Never trust a guy that says he advocates freedom and the removal of censorship but gets angry at how people pronounce something.

Epic! What is bitcoin? Am still asking, it keeps rising, $19,430.... and still rising. Am scared am been left behind in this crypto world. Is it adviseable investing now? Will it get to $30,000? Will it crash back?? Am scared. I need to belong in this world

There’s many other alternative coins to buy instead of “ bitcoin” google alt coins. I’m invested in one called nexus earth #NXS

Hello there! Nice profile ; )

The man! Nice one Roger!

Cryptocurrencies in general are a lifesaver for people in my country Venezuela, so i support 100% this new form of economy

You have to give credit to Roger Ver though, for all the promotion he's been doing for the industry. :)

Cheers for the Dtube. It's good to put a face and mannerisms to the name (Ver) after having listened to a number of chats with Roger over the years on Freetalklive with Ian, Mark, and their crew. Through listening to what Roger had to say about BTC, I took up a pool contract but his insights on Core's Dev Team since then made me question if I was really just in it for the BTC or the bigger concept... the ability to hold your wealth close, trade it as you see fit, and not to be gouged doing it in the process. As a consequence, I switched to solely mining BTH for good the other day. It's a bonus to have people around like Roger to remind us to stick to the high concept crypto road.