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RE: LET’S ALL FIGHT AGAINST BOT ABUSE!!! | dreamvlog #40 [DTubeDaily]

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

This was really really great!!! Thank you for your courage! Your video clearly shows, that we have reached a new point in the discussion. Before to me it was more like... „is it okay to use bots?“... and I just had an opinion about it. Now it is like: „No, sorry. It‘s not an opinion anymore! I am absolutely sure, that I see it the right way!“ And it was your video, that made me sure right now. Just sure about, that I want to communicate only with people, who see the community as the most important thing. And not their own money. Yes, we all love money. And we all need it. But it makes a difference, if your main interest is money or community. In real life it‘s really difficult to tell, who is interested more in money or more in community. It‘s the two things fighting in everyone of us. Most of us want both I guess. But with the bots, it becomes cristal clear here, who is more interested in one of these things. It‘s exposure. And that‘s freedom. That‘s how it was meant to be. And we will selfregulate it! That‘s anarchy? Sorry, you anarcho-capitalists... you are just extreme liberalists. For me the real anarchist is about community! That doesn‘t make me a communist. Steemit just shows now, that it is still a long journey, until this will be clear. It is very exciting, watching a crypto-community developing the same way as communities in the „real world“. And watching the same mechanisms going on. We are only a mirror by now. And I know on what side of the mirror I stand. I won‘t watch this great idea going down because of selfishness. And of corse we still have our daytime-jobs... you don‘t have to say sorry for that! That‘s more normal than spending the whole day here, telling everyone, that this community is all, while wanting to earn all of the money of the world. The whole idea of cryptos is being perverted through this attitude. The whole idea of mankind also. I can‘t wait for communities being implemented. So that we can build up a „it‘s not about the money“-community. Do we want to spend our voting-power for flags? We should spend it for people who don‘t do tricks.