Mental Health? - What is that?

in #dulast year

(There may not be a clear answer to this question - but it goes into that direction_.)

After a few month of relative calm, mental health issues returned with a vengeance on this early morning. When I call it "mental health issues", I am talking about the mind no longer being capable to cope. No longer capable to find its way out of a labyrinth that is extended with every news about what else is thrown at populations the world over. No, I will not go into details about that, as You Yourself are likely keenly aware of what is unfolding right now. Actually - has been unfolding for some time already. Only that much: about the constant lies, misinformation, propaganda and fake news that are unloaded on minds everywhere, I only recall one expression that has accompanied me throughout my life. It was made by one of the greatest minds Germany should have had ever the honor to receive on oits territory - Max Liebermann, on the occasion of the Brownshirts marching through the Brandenburg Gate for the first time:

"One cannot eat as much - as one wants to vomit."

And in this statement lies the probable answer about what happened this morning. As someone living with ASD, "Mental Health" has a different meaning to those that are not strapped with incompatible neurological wiring, if I may say so. Mental health in my case would simply be the absence from the detrimental effects ASD comes with. And to make that sure, I am speaking about my mind, but can easily imagine how others with the same, or similar conditions are viewing their own state of being.

Consider now this "background radiation" like the deviance of the wiring will create. It is always there. Now I will make the connection between Max Liebermann, "background radiation" and my mental health melt down this early morning.

Yesterday, I read an article about the depleted uranium cloud that has been on its way from just west of Kiev, where the Russians blew up a huge munitions depot that also contained depleted uranium munitions (DU-Munitions) delivered by King Charles' servants. During the weekly press meeting, the German regime declared that delpeted uranium munitions are safe and effective. No, they didn't say that, but it accounted to that for sure.

What the German regime told the press was nothing but the same lies the people were told since the first Gulf war. Depleted uranium is harmless, when handled properly. That too, is of course a lie. Not that I didn't know about the German regime lying whenever the puppet in charge 'answers' questions of the press - that for the most part doesn't want to know. If not for a few journalists with integrity. Here is the initial reporting about the regime's 'press' conference in German, unfortunately for those who do not speak German. Of all the pathetic people that run Germany in the ditch is Annalena Baerbock, the so called "Außenministerin" that always has the loudest mouth - proclaiming that the depleted uranium cloud poses no threat to the German population. This disgusting WEF-puppet is at the core of my Max Liebermann sentiment - one cannot gobble up as much as one wants to puke, when she opens her inexperienced mouth about things she knows nothing about. Not only that. There are things she ought to know about and still lies to its own, irrelevant constituents.

After this article, there was a "letters to the editor" follow up. People wrote in to comment on the regime's blatant lies. In one of the letters, there was a link to the documentary "Deadly Dust - Tödlicher Staub" by Frieder Wagner. It was after watching this documentary, that my mental health took a deep dive into something that can only be described as "melt-down" in the face of the utter fascism that Germany has nicely decorated with a rainbow flag. Although the information is in German, I think it to be imperative to have lots of people ask for dubbing, or subtitling it. The interviews in those documentaries are mostly in English anyways. Here is the article about the UK delivering DU munitions to Ukraine. As I have been investigating on my own the "Gulf War Syndrome", I found the only explanation for this terrible disease to be the use of depleted uranium and there are enough studies now to prove that massive amounts of DU munitions have been used not only in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, but in a number of other places like the former Yugoslavia.

While the documentary/book address these grave war crimes and crimes against humanity, it must be clear by now that the use of DU munitions does not primarily serve to win any illegal war - but more so to destroy in its entirety the environment for billions of years, with the described effects DU has on the DNA of all living beings in the places it was used. Adolf Hitler would have loved DU munitions, too. It does not come as a surprise then, that it was the Germans who 'invented' depleted uranium munitions in the seventies. When You look at the consolidated data about German war crimes and crimes against humanity, You would have to eat the whole Earth to arrive at the proper amount of vomit. It is this fact, that pulled out the rag under my mind this morning. Where have we arrived as humanity? Where the least intellectually gifted are running the show in almost every Western nation? Is this not was goes under "adding insult to injury"? And how is one to be able to stem all this insanity and depravity when one is already struggling to deal with the lesser shortcomings of other people? Looking at the present moment in human history, what is one to observe? The destruction of an entire planet and all its peasant life and sit there idly by - waiting that things will get better on its own? They don't, or only in select circumstances. No, the crooks, liars and psychopaths who are responsible for all this insanity - is doing it for profit and power. It is fair to say that there is more destruction originating by the rich, than by the workers who only try to make a decent living. Our problems originate at the top of the pyramid. It is from there, that people without qualifications are positioned to do humanity as we know it in. Which part is not also part of the depopulation agenda? To hoist the most disgusting failures of what goes for a decent human being into important positions? To have meaningful regulations rescinded to serve the ultra rich? Using the media to drive people into a civil war frenzy by roiling the divided populations in Western nations with ever new insults, lies and exploitation?

Mental health issues are devastating. And this morning mine reared their ugly head - because of the impudence with which elected/selected/unelected officials are treating Homo Sapiens. Not new - but now with improved weapons and methods to remove large swaths of people from the planet. It is the impudence that makes all the difference.

Hopefully You will be able to make sense of this outburst. It came about like watching sky scrapers turning into powder by office fires. Oh, speaking of that, the polverization method has been successfully shielded from the public by people with the same mindset that proclaim that DU munitions are "safe and effective". It is always the same kind of people who care nil about the wellbeing of people, wherever they are.

That is a fact.

And on this note I wish You all the best in these depressing times. Take care.