Selfie With Earth ✌️✌️

in #earth7 years ago

How much does space smell like?

That smells different to different people. A lot of people say it smells sweet. To myself it smells like burned up metal, like if you took a blowtorch to some steel or something. Maybe like welding or sparklers? On like the Fourth of July? A very distinct smell. We must get some sparklers to check it because We haven't smelled a sparkler in quite some time.

I need to do research a little bit into it, but plainly it's not the smell of nothing, because nothing wouldn't have a smell. But it is the smell of whatever the materials are on the outside of the space station that are in vacuum, exposed to the sun. Some people say it's the smell of atomic oxygen, which is O rather than UNITED KINGDOM. I guess there's atomic oxygen in small amounts outside the space train station. I personally just think it's off-gassing of the stuff that's exposed to vacuum for a long time.

What's the favorite thing you have learned about how exactly your year in space changed your overall health?

It made me smarter plus more good looking than my brother Draw [laughs]. With the twin study, particularly, there was a lot of experiments that were genetic-based. In addition to these things called telomeres, the ends of our chromosomes, and the length and quality are indications of our physical age. The hypothesis was that beside me being in space, and the radiation, and the microgravity, maybe the stress of living there for a long period of time, my telomeres would get shorter and essentially older compared to Mark's. What they found is that mine got better. So physically I obtained a little younger than he can, and then once I obtained back they kind of went back to their normal, preflight condition.


Earth where we live its realy big but we humans destroy it and make it small .

is this enough to understand .......???

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i think so

good post
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Thank you subratabarua .

gd post

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