An Earthquake is a Vibration that Occurs in the Earth's Surface due to the Release of Energy from within the Bowels of the Earth

in #earthquakes7 years ago (edited)

Earthquake is one of the most frequent natural disasters, almost everyone knows about the earthquake. When viewed from the incident, earthquakes are vibrations originating from within the Earth, where vibrations can be felt to the surface, can even cause damage if large scale. But in theory, earthquakes can be interpreted as vibrations or shocks that occur on the surface of the Earth due to the release of energy that suddenly creates seismic waves.

Well, from the meaning above, we know that earthquakes can arise because of the power of the earth.

Cause: An earthquake is a natural disaster that occurs, mostly a pure disaster caused by natural factors. But in reality, earthquakes are not only caused by natural factors alone. There are some unnatural factors that can cause an earthquake. Then, what causes the earthquake?


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  • Moving Slabs
    Most of the earthquakes that occur in the world are caused by the release of energy generated by the pressure caused by moving slabs. Plates inside the earth move to the right and left, or up and down. The longer, the pressure becomes larger and eventually reach the point where pressure can not be maintained by the edge of the Plate. So that's when the earthquake happened. Earthquakes usually occur at the border of the continental shelf. The most severe earthquakes usually occur on the border of compression and translation plates. Most likely because the lithosphere lining material is squeezed into a phase transition at a depth of more than 600 km. Earthquakes generated by energy from within the earth are called tectonic earthquakes.

  • Movement Of Magma In The Volcano
    It is also often the cause of the earthquake, the magma movement in the volcano. Earthquakes caused by volcanic activity are called volcanic earthquakes. Earthquakes that occur due to the movement of magma in this volcano could be a symptom of a volcanic eruption. It is therefore not surprising that as volcanic activity increases, earthquakes occur frequently. Although small and vague, but this volcanic earthquake usually occurs very often in a day.

  • Injection Or Fluid Appeal Into The Bowels Of The Earth
    The occurrence of an earthquake is also caused by the injection or the appeal of liquid to the earth. Examples of these events occur in some power plants. However, earthquakes caused by injection or the appeal of liquids to the earth are very rare.

  • Explosive Explosion
    This earthquake can also be caused by non-natural factors. One of the non-natural factors that caused the quake was an explosive explosion. Explosives are widely used in the world for various purposes. The use of explosives is good if there are interests that really need it. However, if the use of explosives is too much and uncontrolled, then at that time also can cause great vibrations. Therefore, the vibrations that occur can be felt by other humans and shake the surface of the earth. This is also called an earthquake.

  • The Cave Inside The Earth Collapsed
    The cause of the earthquake that occurred is the collapse of the cave that is on earth. As we know, that the belly of the earth contains many mysteries, one of which is the existence of a cave on earth. Ancient experts claim, that one of the causes of the earthquake is due to the collapse of the big caves in the bowels of the earth. But this assumption is wrong. But what happens is the fall of the underground mining areas that cause the vibrations of the earth and have the power of a small richter scale. Maybe this is what is felt as an earthquake. Because it has a small scale, then this vibration can only be felt by the local or just around it.

Well, that's some cause or reason for the earthquake. If we look at the causes mentioned above, then we will know that some of them are pure and natural earthquakes, but also because of human activity. Meanwhile, many earthquakes are mostly caused by the activity of the earth's plate or the activity of volcanism. It should be noted that earthquakes occurring due to the activity of the Earth's plates, tectonics are usually stronger and more destructive than those caused by volcanism.

If we hear the name of an earthquake, surely the first thing that comes to our minds is a very strong vibration. It is true that all earthquakes are very strong vibrations. Tapu, this earthquake can be divided into several types. The types of earthquakes are numerous.

Based on the causes, the earthquake is divided into five types, namely:


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  • Volcanic Earthquake
    As the name implies, that is volcanic, this earthquake occurs due to volcanism or volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes occur due to magma magic. This magma activity occurs when a volcano will erupt. therefore, the quake was named as a volcanic earthquake. If the magma on the mountain has a high levek, it will cause an explosion and eventually will also cause an earthquake. This volcanic earthquake is classified as a small earthquake. This earthquake is often only felt around the volcano only.

  • Tectonic Earthquake
    The tectonic earthquake is an earthquake that occurs due to tectonic activity, a sudden tectonic plate shift has a very small to large strength. The tectonic earthquake occurs because it is caused by the release of energy arising from a tectonic plate shift that resembles a stretched rubber and is released suddenly. The theory of tectonic plates states that the earth consists of several layers of rock, and most layers of crust will float. The layers move slowly so that they split and collide with each other. This is what caused the earthquake. Tectonic earthquake is a very powerful earthquake, because it can cause damage. Damage caused by tectonic earthquakes such as damage to buildings.

Vibration of this tectonic earthquake is very strong and able to spread throughout the earth. This tectonic earthquake spread map follows specific and narrow patterns and rules, following the tectonic plate pattern that forms the earth's crust.


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  • Earthquake Collision
    The collision quake is an earthquake caused by the fall of meteors, asteroids and other celestial bodies to the surface of the earth. The collision of celestial bodies with the surface of the earth will produce vibrations that eventually called an earthquake. This collision earthquake is rare, because usually if a celestial body falls to Earth, it will burn as it passes through the earth's atmosphere. So that no longer left when reaching the surface of the earth, except the falling objects are large enough.

  • Earthquake Collapsed
    Earthquake collapse is a kind of earthquake that occurs due to the fall of earth's material. This earthquake collapse usually occurs in limestone areas, as well as mining areas. The devastating earthquake of this destruction is not large, usually only felt in the local area, or in the area around the ruins.

  • An Artificial Earthquake
    We all know about the causes of earthquakes, they are not natural. Some of the causes of this earthquake come from humans. one of which causes an artificial earthquake. Artificial earthquakes are a kind of earthquake caused by human activities, such as the dynamics of explosion, nuclear and hammer that hit the earth's surface.

Well, that's a kind of earthquake that is categorized from the cause. Further earthquakes are categorized by depth. Based on the depth, earthquakes are divided into three kinds, namely:

  • An Earthquake
    The deep earthquake has a hypocentrum (epicenter) that is more than 300 kilometers below the earth's surface or in the earth's crust. This type of earthquake is usually not too dangerous because it lies deep in the earth.

  • A moderate Earthquake
    A moderate earthquake is an earthquake that has a hypocentrum position between 60 kilometers to 300 kilometers below the earth's surface. Because the location is more shallow than the existing earthquake, the vibration can be felt more to the surface of the earth. So usually the middle quake causes minor damage and the vibration is more pronounced.

  • Shallow Earthquakes
    Shallow earthquakes are a type of earthquake that has a hypocentrum located at a depth of less than 60 kilometers from the earth's surface. Because of its shallow location then this earthquake usually causes severe damage, this is because the vibration is more pronounced.

That is a kind of earthquake that is categorized based on the depth of the earthquake. Then the earthquake can be categorized according to the wave or earthquake vibration. Based on earthquake or vibration waves, earthquakes are divided into two types:


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  • Primary Waves
    The waves are known as longitudinal. Primary or longitudinal waves are waves or vibrations that spread in the body of the earth at speeds between 7 to 14 kilometers per second. This vibration comes from hypocentrum.

  • Secondary Waves
    Secondary waves are also disebit as transverse waves. These secondary or transverse waves are propagation waves, like primary waves but at reduced speeds, ie 4 to 7 kilometers per second. Note that these secondary waves can not spread through the liquid layer.

These are some types of earthquakes that are categorized by reason, depth and waves. An earthquake is a natural disaster that can cause various kinds of damage.

An earthquake is a natural disaster that can cause various impacts.


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  • One of the most common quake weaknesses is the destruction of public facilities. Earthquake vibrations are felt to the surface of the earth causing many public facilities damaged, such as roads, placements and public places such as airports, stations and terminals.

  • In addition to damaging public facilities, earthquakes can also cause damage to important buildings such as houses, places of worship. As a result, the routine that we do in these places will eventually be temporarily suspended until the building is repaired and feasible for reuse.

  • Earthquakes that cause damage everywhere will surely cause material loss. In addition, the trauma suffered by earthquake victims is expressed in spiritual loss.

  • Usually when people's homes are damaged by the earthquake, they will walk through the evacuation barracks. While in the barracks, various diseases will easily arise.

Well, that's some impact that could result from the earthquake. And that's some information that can be given about earthquakes. May be useful.

Thank you, this is my writing for this time, if there are words that are not good, not polite, not clear. I can only apologize. Perfection belongs only to God, I am only human who can not escape from mistakes. So, greetings from me @youngky. For my friends in steemit and for all my faithful followers.

Note: All letters and numbers are mine, but the picture I got from google, I just use it to connect from my writing.


You just took me back to the classroom...
Almost every year, a large earthquake occurs somewhere in the world and captures the public's attention. Meanwhile, every day thousands of smaller tremors often go unnoticed by most people. Although we usually consider the ground to be solid and stable, but the fact is that the earth is constantly shifting under our feet.