Far... far away

in #ecency13 days ago

The day is start complicated at the computer, I look and look the crypto market, also it not letting me go anywhere as BTC has started to move interestingly ...

And if there is a light free moment, it starts fast same time rain outside 💁‍♂️... I just sit and sit and think what F.... I do now , I must post something also soon, can not let you all have this posting fun here alone.

so I sit and sit, every bit of time I made circles and dots on the paper, finally four hours went by when I see, hey I can go into the art world, even a little paper can be interesting, so I found a solution to the problem what to post

at first, the circles just came without me seeing anything in my mind 😄😅,
But soon also , I also maid a small picture .... the name of this little artwork is " Far, far away "

what I used : ordinary pen, and a small piece of stick paper...

Photography I did what my Samsung A50


Wow, that is very nice looking! Not what I was expecting based on the first photos!

Ah :)) .... thanx .... I had to find something to post :))
So I was use what I had when I look laptop :))) Hmmm... I must make more tiny photos , never know what I next can find :))

I hope day is good out there :))

Well done Art. Far far away is wonderful

Thank you!! :))

Wow, today you explored the artistic side of your personality, you are multi-talented.

Seriously I love your art work.

Have a great day.

I not trust you :))) your words are all time to big :)))

You need to trust my words.....😀..it's really good.......👍

I'm not too sure about that 🤨

Wasn’t expecting the result! Looks nice!

It is a very nice illustration, they are circles that are nothing individually. But looking at them. Eye a whole they come to form your beautiful art. I like it very much!

Thank you 😋👌👌🤭☺🙏... I need to get a spare pen next time... so it fill not stop me 🤭👌👌

Hahaha yes! ❤️
I look forward to continue watching

Love such kind of "a Doodle a day" drawings. Should start with it again

Ah :))) .... You must try :))

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It's beautiful, especially the far far away. You should try being an artist 😄

Ah :))) not be so funny :))

Crypto is gradually looking up and I really like your drawings. It's a wonder how nothing can become something.

Very true :)) lets hope crypto also gives more for as :))

I no longer look at the crypto market. There's no point in looking at him every day. I hope this fall prices for cryptocurrencies will be higher than now.

Ah :)) not looking , you also not know when Bull ends next time , I learn I look I want know all :))

Four hours making dots and circles produced a very beautiful drawing. I loved the last one, it's like a house in a valley and the skies dotted with little stars.

Thank you!! .. and yes 4h :)) ... I had to look laptop same time too :)))

Really? You mean you drew this with just ordinary pen..... This is lovable

Wow! These look incredible! Just by making circles! I could never draw like this!! Very nice art work!

This painting is very special and beautiful and a lot of work has been done on it.