Awesome @eco-alex just when I thought all hope was lost and I was destined to spend my time on steem flagging whale witnesses that I'm not in agreement with, you go and pull this off. 👏 👏 👏
Posted using Partiko Android
Awesome @eco-alex just when I thought all hope was lost and I was destined to spend my time on steem flagging whale witnesses that I'm not in agreement with, you go and pull this off. 👏 👏 👏
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you! Yeah u neva know what’s around the corner .. some witnesses are very very good people i can testify to that!
Yes, see that's exactly the issue at hand. Just because I'm not totally in agreement with what a witness does or how they steem on doesn't mean I'm judging them as a human being.. It never fails that if I express my point of view in a logical, albeit curt manner I get attacked and called a bitch, moron, useless, entitled idiot.. In the real world not the keyboard warrior realm things are a bit more civil and don't jump straight into you're a this or that kind of person..
But, I also get IRL I wouldn't be able to have direct contact with the board members as a mere teeny share holder. But such is the nature of blockchain and the implementation of democratic traditions is a difficult premise in a transparent ecosystem..
Posted using Partiko Android