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Kudos @Azizbd for this beautiful initiative. I also stay in a country where children are also denied the right to education just so they can hustle for additional income for the whole family. Thankfully, this trend is reducing due to beautiful people like @Azizbd and their influences in the society. I also try to help in my own little way because little drops of water make the mighty ocean .
Superheroes are not just people in shining tight costumes saving people, they are also in the form of people who do their best to impact a fellow human's life positively to the best of their ability. @Azizbd is one of those people .
He is definitely a superhero to those kids in Bangladesh.
This was beautiful.

Thank you for your appreciation and also supporting the cause. Also wish you best of luck. Hope you will support the cause in future.

This is so inspiring and touching. To help others is the biggest happiness one can seek. Keep doing the noble work.

I have started something like that in Pakistan and with time our scope will increase and many lives will be changed.

Absolutely. I think making life better for everyone who lives is a wonderful aspiration to base your life around.

Seeing this, i am kinda inspired. I am gonna start up something like this soon.. Helping lifes should be priotized and should be a service to humanity. Shalom!


It is so inspiring I must say, it's a source of motivation in addition. Keep up the good work and you shall greatly be rewarded.

Thanks for the appreciation and also helping and empowering women and young people in Pakistan. That's all the best way we can support our community.

Follo me plis

A child’s access to education is often determined by circumstances such as gender, location, conflict, disability and the family’s socioeconomic status – factors that exist before the child is born. These barriers exclude 61 million primary school age children from school and deny them a fair chance to reach their full potential. Worst, exclusion from school not only thwarts children’s individual potential but also fuels intergenerational cycles of poverty and disadvantage. It robs societies of a source of dynamic growth and development, and a chance to build social cohesion and reduce tensions that can spark violence. Every girl and boy, regardless of who they are or where they live, is entitled to nothing less than full and complete access to quality education. But many of the world’s poorest and most marginalized children are denied this basic human right.

Well said. Those things that are taken from people based on circumstance are some of the greatest injustices there are. Those of us who are comfortable and have influence must use it to try and rid the world of these issues.

It's so sad that all that potential is being thrown away. We are all brothers and sisters and those children had no choice in what environment they were born into.

Thanks for your nice comment.

A child’s access to education is often determined by circumstances such as gender, location, conflict, disability and the family’s socioeconomic status – factors that exist before the child is born. These barriers exclude 61 million primary school age children from school and deny them a fair chance to reach their full potential. Worst, exclusion from school not only thwarts children’s individual potential but also fuels intergenerational cycles of poverty and disadvantage. It robs societies of a source of dynamic growth and development, and a chance to build social cohesion and reduce tensions that can spark violence. Every girl and boy, regardless of who they are or where they live, is entitled to nothing less than full and complete access to quality education. But many of the world’s poorest and most marginalized children are denied this basic human right.

I think education is usually rubbish but I love the getting rich part!

You are right. @SchoolForSDG4 is trying to focus on these kids who can't ensure their basic needs. Education should not be luxury and every kids deserves to get full access to quality education. Private schools charges higher fees and thus poor kids can't continue education at early age while public schools can't give enough support to thousands of kids.

Sir @azizbd is an awesome individual from Bangladesh with a heart of gold helping underprivileged persons like me as well and in several occasions donated for my medical expenses.

Steemit community is really a good support program for his cause.

God bless him and you all.
God bless the steemit community.

I wish you best of luck sir. God bless you.

Best Steemit account by far!
Resteem guys!

Thank you for your resteem and supporting the kids .

I created a page dedicated to the food program for the school I hope one day to expand it to other programs that feed the most needy in the world. But first and foremost is the school. @cooking4charity is the new account. All the SBD earned from the account will be going to the school's food program till we have met and exceeded their needs, then I will look for other programs to help. The SP earned from this account will go to upvoting charity content and minnows. @tecnosgirl is behind this account.

a very good purpose @adsactly. to help underprivileged children, so they can go to school to seek knowledge like the other kids. I am very supportive in this regard. hopefully this goal goes well.

It is one of the most important missions that any of us can take on in the world right now.

Sure. you are right @redliest

Thank you. Adsactly is a community to leverage individual initiative and as @SchoolForSDG4 is a cause Adsactly as community can help. So it trying to give the initiative get more visibility and also the part of the post reward so School get enough fund for operation.

I'm a teacher and i think everything is done to give an opportunity to children is priceless. Look at the smile on their face. That smile is our future. Hope this spread and we can open more schools for children all around the world. This community is great.

The community is really great as it fully funding the school @SchoolForSDG4 and we are planning for school new building and land with help of steemit community supporters. I am sure many things will change if we can spread it and also the development of the project depends on the support and our effort. Keep the kids in your prayers. All the best for you.

good job bro.. thanks for help children education

Thank you for your support.

I will always upvote things like this. This is amazing what you are doing for these children...what a good cause.

It is quite remarkable what STEEM can do. It is a platform that can get the word out to thousands of people, and everyone can help with the click of a mouse.

I hope people will resteem this, and upvote it.

Thank you for doing this, and for sharing, cheers!

The platform is proved that it can change the lives for underprivileged children in Bangladesh. @SchoolForSDG4 is fully funded by @Steemit for last couple of months. I wish you to visit @SchoolForSDG4 if you want to support the cause later again. You will get related information from me as well. I do resteem most of my personal posts from @SchoolForSDG4 so people who are supporting and following @SchoolForSDG4 can also know about me as person behind the charity. It also help me to raise fund for myself. So much love to you and the platform.

Kudos to you @azizbd. Though i am new here. I hope to find this place(steemit) interesting.

In most developing countries, public school is not free. The costs of books, uniforms, and teachers’ salaries are borne by the students’ families.

  1. 67 million primary-school-age children are still denied the right to education.

  2. As much as 115 million children of primary school age are not enrolled in school.

  3. More than 226 million children do not attend secondary school.

  4. Illiteracy is highest amongst females. In more than 20 developing countries, illiteracy rates amongst women exceed 70%.

And that is why @SchoolForSDG4 exists! The childen need all the help they can get! Especially in countries that are not as far developed. I have been writing for the project and supporting it for around half a year now and it is amazing how fast an improvement has happened in this period of time. The kids have started smiling, they have more joy in their lives and I hope they see how others care for them and try to help!

Those are some dreadful statistics right there, thank you for sharing them! We should all work together, to decrease that number drastically!

Best wishes,
Linda, writer and supporter of @SchoolForSDG4

Que excelente trabajo por el bien de los mas necesitados, no se imaginan como quisiera poder ayudar y colaborar con los niños de mi país, que muchos de ellos pasan hambre y hasta abandono a la escuela por sus padres no tener para darle estudios, todo por la grave situación económica que estamos atravesando en Venezuela. Mi gran abrazo y les deseo el mejor de los éxitos y ojala pronto a través de steemit pueda ayudar a los míos...

Gracias por tu comentario! Hay muchos grandes proyectos en la plataforma que apoyan a los de Venezuela, un par de personas han distribuido alimentos y cosas así. También puedes ayudar, donde hay voluntad, siempre habrá una manera.

Y gracias por el apoyo en la publicación! ¡Hemos trabajado mucho en esta organización benéfica y apreciamos su reconocimiento!

P.S Perdón por el español malo, estoy usando el traductor de Google, mi español está en el nivel básico y no podría escribir bien en él.

Los mejores deseos,
Linda, partidaria y escritora de @ SchoolForSDG4

It feels so good that there are still good in the world. Children represent the innocence that is long-gone. They are our future, they are not to be defined by the environment they were given birth into. I am a teacher and I can't really say the equality of rights has been achieved in my country (Turkey). Thanks everyone working for such a good cause!

Yes! I do not know how to stress how much I agree with you, children are our future, they are the ones who will build this world up or bring it down and we are the ones who will help shape them. They deserve all the love, help and support we can give. We have to take care of them and that is why I started writing for this project the second I found out about it! It has been an amazing ride. It took time but thanks to @Azizbd being relentless and always pushing the project has grown and it is amazing to be a part of it! We are able to make futures brighter by the help we give and as long as there are people who are not indifferent we have hope for a better future!

Best wishes,
Linda, a supporter and writer for @SchoolForSDG4

Today, thanks to this post, I first learned about such a place as a charitable school @SchoolForSDG4 which is based on @Azizbd and works exceptionally at the steemit. For me it says first of all that the steemit is a wonderful platform which, thanks to the efforts of not indifferent users, can influence the destinies of people in low-income areas. We all understand the importance of getting education, so this task is a priority.
I also admire the people who support this project and help it develop. Without your efforts, it would be impossible.
I believe that every person on earth should have the right to receive knowledge. Our knowledge is what distinguishes us from animals. Knowledge should be accessible to everyone, regardless of place of residence and other racial accessories.
The steemit does what none of the social networks do. The constant support of this school is a big step that should show others an example of how to do it.
Thank you, I admire your work
You do a good and useful thing, so God is on your side

You are an amazing person for taking time to read and comment on this post. Thank you for actually looking into the project and leaving such a heartwarming response! I have been writing for @SchoolForSDG4 for around half a year now, since it just kicked off and the improvement we have gone through is huge. The supporter base has grown, the accounts have been exploding, we are able to provide enough help for those kids to look in the future with hope.

Just look at how many comments are there on this post alone! @Azizbd spent hours answering to them and now he is taking a break because his hands and eyes are tired :D And it is a good thing because there are so many meaningful comments form loving people, encouraging us to move forward.

Thank you again for the amazing comment!
Best wishes
Linda, supporter and writer for @SchoolForSDG4

This is so amazing. I just heard about your school here on steemit. Is there anything I can do to help? Do the children need clothes? Or toys? I have so much great clothes for girls and babies. I also have alot of toys. Please let me know if theres anything you need donated for your school.

So Awesome!!!

Hey @paulamery . I will request you to post from @girlbeforemirror who sent some toys and many things for new year from Australia. two/three days ago she sent another shipment for the slum kids. So I am not in a position to deny you when something you have to offer as kids have needs these things and I feel happy to connect you with them. So you can chat with me if you wish on

Here is her recent post :

Thanks so much for the information i will be contributing as soon as possible.

Thanks. See you around and Have nice Sunday .

It is happily mind boggling to see the amount of outreach that is coming from the Steemit platform.

More and more Steemians are posting amazing projects to assist other undeveloped
Countries, with education, like what @atsactly is supporting.
Well and clean water, food, permaculture farming, Medical services, giving digital devices of all kinds, to get up and running on Steemit.

With this enthusiastic giving, I think we are seeing a decentralized United
Nations of Steem... emerging.
ReLOVeution...has begun.

I think if we continue to act in a good way, we will have good things come to us. People will always be drawn towards something that makes a positive impact.

Really steemit getting some amazing projects and the @SchoolForSDG4 is one of the successful charity project on steemit. It is supporting around 60 Underprivileged children in my school.I hope you will have some time to read about it and Also much appreciate your nice comment.

Reading now*

Thanks for your reading :)

@adsactly Thank you for this initiative helping the underpriviledged children.

Thank you lot for reading and supporting.

EVery child deserves better, I’m really happy to see things like this, nobody can ask us why we are doing this, steemit being decentralized does not answer to any government who will in turn hold us down for whatever reasons, so they could be a huge gap between the rich and the poor. I’m grateful and happy to see such an amazing platform(steemit) be a blessing to people in all parts of the world. The vision is manisfesting

Yes, the @SchoolForSDG4 project is growing tremendously thanks to the platform! It is the proof that we, on the steemit platform, are able and willing to help those who are really in need! Here it does not matter who you are and where you come from, it is all about your actions!

Thank you for the support on the post!
Best wiskes,
Linda, Linda, supporter and writer for @SchoolForSDG4

It is great things that steemit helping the program from August 2017 and you will wonder how generously people helping the cause. Thank you for your nice comment.

Great step taken by the @Azizbd for those children who's can not afford their educational expenses...
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. said by (Ronald Reagan)..,,,:)

Thank you for your support and kind words.

You have a very noble heart. hopefully what you do can reply from god. because the good will be back to you

Thank you very much for your kind words my friend.

the same, I hope to be good friends with you. encouraging one another. and introduce my name ibrahim, I am from Indonesia and I am also an educational activist

Thank you. I will try to read about you. Nice to hear about your passion

You are welcome

I'm glad to see that crypto, and Steem in particular, helping these kids out. As I was reading this article, I saw that your school had crowdfunded for a laptop. Well, that reminded me of the One Laptop Per Child project:

I had read about that years ago and since forgotten it until I read your article. You might want to check out their site and see if their laptop would for your school.

Thank you for the link, I have forwarded it to @Azizbd through private chat! This looks amazing!

Best wishes,
Linda, supporter and writer for @SchoolForSDG4

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKS! For me educutaion is really important. Not about the theory that we understand but more how to shape our brain to be more critical

Thanks. I will keep it up. See you around and we will make another post next month and will share how Seemit community and Adsactly helping the kids.

wow it is really nice post @adsactly... i like your post that's it How Steemit blockchain helped the slum Kids access quality education thank for share it

You will be happy to read more from @SchoolForSDG4 as it helped me to raise fund on steemit and get support for the kids.

What a great project! We all need to help underprivileged children in the whole world. I hope that you can help a lot more children! Keep on going!

Thank you. I will keep supporting them. Hope you will visit @SchoolForSDG4 too and see how I am working. The resteemed post @SchoolForSDG4 also related to kids and me.

It is really one of those awesome work which has been done by some of our youth in Bangladesh.
What @azizbd is doing for the Underprivileged children is really appreciable. There has very least of people who will work selflessly and care for these children. He had great initiative task to lead them into a great future. I wish I could do some help for the @schoolforsdg4 and those children.
@azizbd you always have my love and respect. Let me know if anything I can do within my capabilities.
Thanks a lot @adsactly to share such project and let these kid have something to believe.

Hello! We are always open to any help given! I, myself have been writing for @SchoolForSDG4 once a week every week for a while now. There is always a way to help. A simple upvote helps, an encouraging comment, a resteem, maybe a post once in a while. We try to do as much as we can and we have dreams that one day there will be an option to build a self-sustainable school for the kids in @Azizbd's school.

Thank you for showing such interest in the project!
Best regards,
Linda, supporter and writer for @SchoolForSDG4

I would love to do something for @SchoolForSDG4 . I already resteemed yours and @adsactly post about @SchoolForSDG4 . I will try to do some sharing and regular upvote(though my upvote does not have much value). I will start writing for @SchoolForSDG4 too after completing my recent examination(Semester final is running).

As the school stayed in sylhet which is far from my place, I hope I will make a visit when I have time for at least a weekend. It will be my pleasure to meet you guys and specially @azizbd .

I am not that much enough to help you in bigger way, but I will surely there for you guys as much as I am capable of.

Thank you so much @lindahas for such initiative work.

This will be great to see you at school. Please chat me for any information you need and also if you would like to donate and/or make post for school. Everyone has something to offer and this can help the kids a lot. You can follow the @schoolforsdg4 to support school and my personal blog @Azizbd which I use to raise fund for myself and do personal blogging.

I already followed @schoolforsdg4 and you too and resteemed some posts related with the school.
as its my exam time, I will do some post about the school after completing my exam and surely I will contact you before that.
Your work is always appreciable which let me interested in it.

It is not how big your upvotes are, it is the thought that counts!

Oh, I did not realize that you were in Bangladesh! I think that is awesome. Maybe you really can visit when there is time and as I said, any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Thanks for your lovely words.
Yeah, as I am staying at Bangladesh so it is really huge chance for me to make some time and have some time with the kids. it will be my great chance.
It may take some time to travel to sylhet but whenever I get some free time, I must contact with you guys.

For sure! I would love to see two steemians meet to do some amazing things on that side of the world! Hope you get the chance to travel there :)

I wish so and I am excited too but i know it takes time for that meeting with the man and those lovely kids.

A prime effort to make up our future bright the more these underprivileged shine, its better for the development. These kids hv all the talent just needed to sharpen a bit to shine.
@adsactly really appreciable effort put in....👍rsteeming the post👌

Thank you for the resteem and appreciation of the effort. Adsactly is help the kids a lot. I am so happy for the support from everyone. It is great way to shape our future. In order to ensure the bright future, we must act together and let's change the world.

@azizbd indeed it is one of the best effort one can put in. We human suppose to make all effort to make the place beautiful by helping each other. And helping the underprivileged is best way to do....

Right ! This is what @SchoolForSDG4 trying to do. Helping the less privileged kids in Bangladesh.

Thanks For Sharing! Love It!!! What a great opportunity for many many people to get rich! FOLLOWING YOU!!

We can make the kids rich by ensuring knowledge and educational support. Thanks for the comment and helping the cause.

We Sure CAn!!! I have a gift for you...

Whoa! This is lovely... I am part of the SDG community development service group in Nigeria...We are organising a debate competition after which the winners will be awarded scholarships for their secondary school education.......I will definitely be posting on steemit about the event.

Great . keep sharing all the great things you are doing for your community. Amazing it would be if I find someone doing something similar to my cause .

educate the children and you educate a nation. Giving hope to these children is quite inspiring.

Thanks for your understanding. Education is key to unlock the golden dream . I hope we together can help the little ones so they never stop learning and see dream for the life.

Weldone... good job! There's no feeling like the joy of helping people and puttung smiles on their faces.

Thanks a lot for realising the truth. putting smiles on the innocent souls will return us joy and happiness. I feel this emotional satisfaction only helped me to run the school for around 2 years .

Great work @adsactly .. keep touching lives.
I hope my upvote would help.

Thanks for the support by upvote. Adsactly and steemians will keep touching the lives as it already have done many great things for the kids in Bangladesh.

“The main objective of our school is to facilitate local underprivileged children, to give them access to quality education”
This is a me of the reasons Steemit has unlimited opportunities!
What a great post!

This is why I luckily found steemit and amazing is that steemit helping the cause very well. It is great for me and the school. Kids having lots of support if you ever find time to see @SchoolForSDG4 . You even can read resteemed post as it is related to school and me as person behind the charity. Love and wishes from Bangladesh.

A wonderful humanitarian and social initiative worth mentioning and thanking. The idea of ​​creating a school to educate the children of the poor and give them the opportunity to learn
This is one of the things I liked about steemit is the solidarity, social solidarity and the onslaught of social networking among the members to create these initiatives and I will contribute to this initiative and do something little, I am in my first place in this site.

Amazing. Thank for your wonderful comment and supporting the cause.

I'm really impressed with this kind of program.. May God continue to guide and put you through.. More power to your elbow.. I'm happy for the children also

What a nice wish from you dear. I hope I will able to keep doing and support the kids with help of Steemit. Show your support by upvote, resteem and follow the @SchoolForSDG4 .

Wow, steemit community is amazing, I pray you that ues one way the other to help the school for social and educanal development of underprivilged children, God will bless you all

It is so nice of you and your prayers is so much support for us too.

In this modern days we can consider education as basic needs. I always feel terrible if children cannot have proper food, place to stay, education or love. This comment is for everyone who involved on this amazing action. You did a great job!!!!

Thank you @shally.novita . As founder of the school, I do believe that only education can change the lives of these less privileged kids.

Thank you @azizbd, right step in a right direction......

Thank you for helping the project

Weldone, God will bless you. This is what we need in some parts the world especially Africa.

Thank you for your warm comment! Africa, Bangladesh, it does not matter where, there is always need to help, somebody is always struggling. Education and well being is crucial for kids, after all, they are our future!

Best wishes,
Linda, writer and supporter of @SchoolForSDG4

Great initiatives over here

Thank you. I wish so. Keep supporting the initiative so I can change the lives and join with me here.

Congratulations @adsactly, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 52 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $6559.00. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

Thank you for your listing the post.

When we learn to help others especially the underprivileged we make the world a better place and save the future. This initiative is such that turns those who would have been Termed wasting to people of impact. The real essence of riches is to make other people's lives better

education can change lives of the people and it can secure the brighter life of the children. I hope you will join to support the casue by following @SchoolForSDG4 . Much happy for your nice comment.

A very noble activity of various fellow hopefully steemit more advanced and successful always @adsactly

Steemit is great platform to be funded for such initiatives too. I am happy to get such support from Steemit . Well, thank you a lot for your comment.

All the kids adorable faces look funny, keep their spirit

I will. Thanks for reading and support. They are so active even when they can't be happy all time.

I will pray and hope everything will work out. Let's visit my blog there may be something interesting for you

What a great advocacy you have! You are helping a lot of people. In the Philippines I’m also involved in charity projects. Let’s keep on helping others😀

Nice to hear you are involved with charity work. Well. I am trying to help the kids in my community who can't go school.

That’s good! Keep it up. Me, sometimes I organize small outreach activities and sometimes I volunteer. I’ve been involved in outreach activities like feeding programs, medical missions, gift giving, self-defense program for underprivileged children (uDEFEND), etc. There are different beneficiaries— the poor, abandoned/abused children, abandoned elderly, retired nuns, children with terminal diseases, etc.
let’s keep on helping!😀

So nice causes. I hope you will able to share these with us here too.

Will share in my future blogs. Thank you

Nice article appreciate this . keep posting we will always support you .
Thank you. @adsactly

Thanks for your support and commitment. For supporting the cause more often you can follow the school @SchoolForSDG4 and I will also make post from adsactly every month. So hope I will see you around for the support.

SDG4 school is a charity school founded on 20 April 2016 by Mohammed Abdul Aziz.
I very much appreciate this activity, because it is very helpful to poor people who are not able to send his son,
Hopefully, the school can survive, and can create a generation that learned and noble character.

Hey. Thanks for your support and helping the cause with upvote. I am running the project on steemit to raise fund for the kids and also helping the kids to ensure some kids can get better life. Adsactly is helping the cause lot. One day I hope the kids will get better school and I can't wait to share the progress next month from Adsactly blog.

Amazing initiative. Good work.


It is time for Trump ;) Thanks for the support and comment

I'm speechless..
I'm touched..

Great initiative from bangladesh we in the thirld world countries should all strive to make our society well educated as it is also my and everyone in the community in Pakistan and all over the world to help the poor get a proper standard of education atleast if not more.

Thanks for reading the post my dear neighbourhood friend. Have the best wishes for Pakistan and all the best for you.

Appreciated sir great work by you guys hoping the same in the future and love from across the borders , Bangladesh Pakistan friendship.

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