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RE: Is a smart phone, iPad or video game raising your child or grandchild?

in #education7 years ago

Very interesting read! I'm a soon-to-be teacher and am sure I'll get to observe these phenomena, too. One thing that might be added to the list could be physical activity, but I guess it's implicitly there as it'd probably automatically come if #6 was considered.
One thing - I think - is necessary to consider though are the changing learning (and living) conditions. I don't know about the US, but here there has been a trend to compress more content into less time during the past few years. Ultimately, a lot more is expected for the kids to be done at home, and whilst some of the students are okay with that, it takes up the biggest part of the 'leisure time' for other children...


Yes, children and adults need physical activity! I mentioned hiking, swimming, bowling, etc above. Take them to a playground or a park if you don’t have a yard for them to play in. They could also just play tag or kick a ball around. Let them use their imagination on how they want to play.

Oh sorry, I must have read over that!

No problem, I appreciate you reading my post and good luck on becoming a teacher! It can be very rewarding and you will be able to guide the next generation!