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RE: US election - NO to Trump please!

in #election2 months ago

It is the constant case of "the lesser of two evils" sadly. I don't believe this to be the case this time.

We should always be focused on the policies - those are what actually gets things done. Germany should be begging for Trump to straighten out North America - we could send Germany and other European countries natural gas from canada and the US. Many European countries have destroyed themselves with this zealotry of "climate change" and ruined the energy grid. It's only gotten worse with the current group controlling the power. That's because they are a terribly weak administration. People don't respect the weak ones and they know they can push the boundaries without and recourse.

There are so many things I disagree with and I know that not all of them will change or get improved. Big ones for me is pushing this gender transition disgusting stuff on kids. It is the most appalling crime against the whole civilization and people should be in JAIL for permanently destroying a kids body. The current administration pushed that message so hard it's disgusting. The examples like that are what really pushes me away from them - they have such a potent disdain for American citizens and the people. They intentionally do things like refuse to help the poor people of Ohio after the chemical spill - where were the environmental and climate change zealots for that? It was one of the worst climate disasters in decades but absolute silence from those fake environmentalists. Maui, North Carolina are also clear examples of an administration that cares absolutely nothing for the people who are suffering.

The reason, I think, they make it so frequent and in your face to try and push people to hate him is they are truly scared because he represents real change at their level and they don't want that at all. Not enough change that I don't think there's other manipulators working on the other spectrum but enough change that they wont be able to get their policies in place. That's why I think they push so much messaging against him.