The Aceh Flag

in #emblem7 years ago (edited)


The black line has the meaning that the kingdom of Aceh had a vacuum (emptiness of power) as well as a sign remember the martyrs.

The white line has the meaning that the war to achieve independence is a holy war, and that fall in the war gets a martyr's reward.

The red base (ground) has the meaning that the Acehnese are obliged to defend and defend the right and destroy the false.

The five stars have meaningful representations of the five pillars of Islam, while the moon means as the light of faith.

In short, the general meaning of the GAM flag is that the Acehnese are willing to wallow in blood to defend the right and destroy the false, to run the pillars of Islam under the protection of the light of Faith (Bansa Atjheh neutem meuro blood for peudong njang hak and peu hantjoe njang bateu neupe since Islamic rukon dimijueb lindung the tyranny of faith.)
Raising GAM flags is often performed in unison with the sound of the call to prayer. Why should adzan? The legal basis is, when the Messenger of Allah conquered the city of Mecca, the Prophet asked Bilal bin Rabbah to enact the call to prayer as well as the raising of the victory flag. This corresponds to one of the lafaz adzan, haiya-alal-falah (let's go to victory).


kasih Tag yg bagus ya kwn .. agar semua org di #contaq @edizul tau yg mengikuti mu.. smga suks salam suci qu buat mu ...sprti suci bendera kita ini