
Stressing me out a bit as I don't know the solution. A new, simple phone app (like TikTok) could help?

I don't think so. IMO crypto can only be driven by ideology and financial benefits, not simplicity. We need to get simpler, but the old school centralized systems will always have the edge in inherent simplicity (at least until Keychain is a native feature in browsers and smartphones).

IMO the killer app of Hive is still simply money. Sound money that can work better and more easily than any other money on the internet. The social network aspects are a bootstrap for an actual internet economic ecosystem.

Thus our priority should be to ensure that new users are participating in the economic aspects of Hive (ie. they should be getting financial benefits for their participation). We need to encourage wider payouts and be less narrow minded about what counts as contributing value.

@eroche used to do bubble graphs about age and size of users getting payouts. User growth was consistently linked to newer and smaller accounts getting more of the rewards. That's going to be so much harder now though under the 50:50 author/curator paradigm.

IMO the killer app of Hive is still simply money.

And the one thing that nowadays we seem shy about advertising.

The social network aspects are a bootstrap for an actual internet economic ecosystem.

True, have the best days in relation to this been and gone?

That's going to be so much harder now though under the 50:50 author/curator paradigm.

A stable higher price would really help here!

You know, having additional like button without money attached just might help. Then People can like as much as they want, and it can affect visibility/popularity as much as payouts.

I have a feeling it would be gamed with alt accounts, and until Oracles / 1 person 1 (master) account, I think we are stuck with stake deciding.

True, but maybe it can be separated somehow, or marked. Could have downvotes too (without hurting the payout)