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RE: Engagement by Class (What are the Minnows doing?)

in #engagement • 4 years ago

Telling post for sure....

I'll work with my community and see if we can spice up some comments and engagement from our red fish and minnows 😀

But wow, how the heck did I make that list of engaging Orcas...Dang, that's pretty cool lol :)


I'll work with my community and see if we can spice up some comments and engagement from our red fish and minnows 😀

That's how :D Congrats!
Also if you succeed spicing up comments, please share you tips and tricks ;)

:) Thanks very much....Literally, showing up everyday and talking with the amazing community on HIVE. It's been a blast so far and look forward to keep engaging and showing up every day!

That's incredible dedication :D
I wish I was less impulsive, but it has creative benefits.

you lead by example that is how you made that list, or as you say show up every day and post and comment and up vote good content
It is fantastic to see a total of 3 members of ctp tribe on that list although I wish more were on that list including my self

Pretty awesome to see the CTP tribe up on those lists for sure. Loving it!! Well you know how to get up there, comment more ;)

Sounds like a plan. It's worrying that we need to encourage so much, I think.

Well done for making that list :)

Yeah and I'm sure there are bigger reasons for it, but for me I just wanna keep pushing the same message you are. The key is the engagement! The right people will pay attention and take action :)

Keep leading the folks to water, it's their choice after that :)

How did you make the list of Orca's?

With 965 comments and 125389 characters. It's called engagement...The numbers don't lie and I bet you're enjoying the engagement right?

Can't beat it :) I love how much you guys crush on it on here...Keeps me fired up to improve my engagement everyday :)

It's hard work I gotta say...I mean, it's been three years of doing this for me...Posting 1.6 times every day (some 700-1500 words per post on average) and commenting etc. Still, I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. Neither would you. This is why removing monetary rewards and replacing it with enjoyment rewards has been so important for me. Keeps me motivated.

Fantastic point man. If we didn't love it, we wouldn't do it :)