
in #english7 years ago

We understand that self-love is acceptance, respect, perceptions, value, positive thoughts and considerations that we have towards ourselves and that can be appreciated by those around us. All this depends on our willingness to love ourselves, not of those around us or of the situations or contexts in which we do not live. It is about the reflection of what the relationship is like and the feelings we have for ourselves, towards our physique, personality, character, attitudes and behaviors.

When one as a person recognizes self-love, it is because a balance has been reached between mood and self-esteem. This balance is projected abroad as a feeling of wellbeing that is expressed in different ways and enjoyed.



Recognize, value, respect, accept and improve each day is part of our self-esteem. If we do not feel self-love then it will be very difficult to have high self-esteem.

It is said and this is very true; that before loving another person we must first love ourselves in order to value ourselves, recognize that we deserve good and beautiful things throughout life and that we are worthy of love and being loved.



Happiness is the main goal of self-love, to be happy to accept ourselves as we are without letting people who are external and alien to our family and circle of loved ones intervene.

Self-love is a feeling related to self-esteem, which needs to be taken care of every day. To have self-love does not mean to love oneself or to believe oneself, but rather to know oneself, to know what our strengths and weaknesses are, to know the tools we have to react to situations and what resources we can learn. . Self-love implies that there has been a journey within us, that we have had a conversation with ourselves and that we have managed to make peace with each one of our "selves".

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This must be taken into account, having self-esteem IS NOT:


A self-centered person believes that the rest of the world should turn to the sound she desires. It is thought that it is superior to all the rest of Humanity, and whoever says otherwise is attacking it. A person with self-love knows that there are other people, that there are more skilled than her, or with greater merit, and she knows that she is in constant evolution.

•Be selfish:

When a person with self-love says no, it's because he has his reasons. If she says no to someone who has become accustomed to getting what she wants, the first thing she will tell you is that she is selfish. The person with self-love knows that it is not like that, and that he does not have to do something he does not want to do (except if it is his job). It is not selfishness, it is self-respect.

On the contrary, ES:

• Value your time:

Your time is yours, and you decide how or with whom to use it. There are people who only feel good when they have an entourage of people behind, who leave everything when they snap their fingers to come. A person with self-esteem goes if he wants, and can, do it, and knows that he is not a bad person if he can not, or does not want to.

• Value your skills:

Cultivating a skill, whether by courses, work, or a custom you have since childhood, takes time and effort, even if you do not feel that way. If you are a professional, for example, it means charging according to the work done, calculating the time and knowledge you have used. Knowing what you can do and assessing it is also something that professionals do.

It should be noted that having a high self-esteem or self-love is not synonymous with selfishness, vanity or arrogance. The really important thing is to be good with ourselves and project that to the outside because that way we will be seen and perceived.

However, who lacks self-esteem also has little self-love, which is serious because it generates ignorance of who he is and what he wants, as well as produces sadness, dependence, insecurity, devaluation, disqualifications, disrespect ...

Do you know why it is easy to notice when we do not have self-esteem? We feel that everything is wrong, that we are not able to react in different situations, we look in the mirror and feel that we are worthless. We forget ourselves, we care more for the welfare of others, because all this well around us sometimes we even take responsibility for situations that are not our responsibility and condition our lives based on the needs of others.



I, @danielancr have observed that in some cases he acted like this with a way to escape from his own problems. And I have asked myself, why have I believed that I need to escape from itself? What is behind that need to flee? Maybe behind that need to flee there is a fear of knowing myself, of being alone with myself and of connecting with each one of our "selves", but that attitude causes me to lose the opportunity to know what my strengths are and weak to work with them and be able to make peace with myself and love me like that.

I know that I must work with it in my life, since the longest and the best love in life will be our love. I take for granted that from today my life took a different direction with respect to value and love me.

Self-love depends solely on you, on how you see yourself, and not on what others think.

Thanks for your attention, until a next post.