Simply by seeing 2018 is not 2009.
What’s happening with “blockchain” right now has already happened in computing. Is similar to what happened with A.I. R&D in the 1980’s. Namely, the widespread development of tech whose massive level of sophistication (which implies higher costs) is irrelevant for the market. That cheapening is a thing that happens to all commercial industries as they mature across decades of competition. But, in “blockchain,” a decade fits in a year or two
Bitcoin was the product of the cypherpunks. These are, essentially, the “only the paranoid survive” crowd, the “the government is watching” crowd. It would be only natural they would come up with a solution to the double-spending problem that involves an open peer-to-peer network of anonymous nodes. They tuned it for maximum resilience against a concerted attack from the global money cartel and the governments they exert massive control over.
( Remember when the creator(s) of Bitcoin hid under the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym, and when Wikileaks wanted to use Bitcoin for donations, Nakamoto freaked out, stating that it was “too early” and that the network could have been killed by a massive surge in usage (and also in attention from the powers-that-be) so early in its development? That mentality would have never though something like EOS would be sufficient to run an anarchic money system — not even after the success of Bitcoin. )
Besides its prohibitive costs of operation, borne out of the need to spread a global ledger across ten thousand consumer-grade anonymous nodes, the Bitcoin protocol worked. With its global bandwidth of 3 transactions per second, not only it worked as a demo, as a proof that anarchic money exists and is possible to build, but it gathered a global cult following that, at its peak, valued the Bitcoin network at about $340,000,000,000.
People have then slowly walked back from the paranoia of the cypherpunk mentality. Bitcoin’s security requirements are maximal, e.g. requiring every transaction to be broadcast to and processed by every single node, so several projects have started by questioning that excessive level of security, hoping to find attack vectors they can afford to discard in order to reap some performance gains.
In early 2018, the main word is now “scale.” The vast majority of blockchain projects are competing for the transactions-per-second crown, while offering other perks like e.g. secure user identification (NEO). And several of the scaling proposals are, in my opinion, needlessly complex, because they cargo-cult insist on the cypherpunk requirement of a sprawling peer-to-peer network of nodes — in many cases, still regular home broadband nodes.
Projects like EOS and Lisk come from a different angle: they assume there will be very few full nodes in a blockchain network, and these will be “super-peers.” EOS, in particular, realizes that there is no need to hold back at all, and states: we will have 20 highly-stable, highly-public (known), highly-funded companies worldwide, organized as a token ring overlay network, and they will take quick three-second turns each being the leader and having its massive clusters issuing blocks to the other super-peers. It will have a bandwidth that’s only limited to what computers and networks can do.
EOS, like Bitcoin, works. But EOS is massively cheaper. However, EOS would probably not have “worked,” as a social phenomenon, if it was Satoshi Nakamoto’s project. The cypherpunk paranoia story was effective in uprooting the psychological domination of the current State-based, cartel money system, because first it validated its massive power (which is reified — considered real, concrete, unassailable — in most people’s minds all around the globe), and then it offered a bunch of technically unnecessary but psychologically compelling reasons for why it was going to defeat that powerful global monopoly on money creation and operation.
If EOS came first, maybe the EOS site operators — the block producers — could have been legally persecuted. No one would have really known who they were or what they were trying to achieve. But now? Now “crypto” — Internet-based, computer-based anarchic money creation and operation — is a thing, and the persecution and destruction of any such network is now impractical, in case it was not always impractical, which is also a possibility.
The power of the global money cartel system — the Euro, the Dollar, etc. all these “different” currencies which are not different at all but local branches of the same debt-based global currency, controlled by a handful of “banking” corporations — is purely psychological. Like any religion, it is powerful only to the extent people think its dominance is unassailable. Before Bitcoin, it was unthinkable that someone could “create money” — that sounds criminal… like… smoking a plant! After Bitcoin, that power is significantly crippled. Now people all around the globe know that the idea that there can only be “one money” is a complete farce. The Religion is shown to be non-total, because now people know that there are many Religions to choose from and that, in fact, people are free to worship the token of their choosing and the State should not at all interfere, nor be able to violently impose their own token and persecute and torture those who don’t agree with it.
The One True Money story no longer works. Attempting to persecute operators of money networks will not stick — not all around the globe, across States, all at once, which is what is required to destroy something like EOS. We can, should and must create different moneys. In 2018, we have sufficiently advanced a worldview of monetary diversity. That is what has changed between 2009 and 2018. That is what Bitcoin has accomplished.
The overzealous and tilted craft, and thus the ballooning costs of the “golden age” phase of an industry all arise from that process of social story development that is inherent in any kind of industry. Early social preoccupations are fulfilled, then dropped for later, more optimized preoccupations. Some american cars from the 1950’s were gorgeous and sturdy, but had no seat belts. The kind of craft seen in the golden age of movies and video-games (depth) has given way to other kinds of craft (instant gratification), etc.
And thus, as we see that the religion of Debt Money and its devil are all invented, we realize it has no power over us. The power that myths have over a society depend on accepting that myth as at least partially real. We have all seen way too many spy movies. Thus, if we want a new digital money, we can merely set up a decent amount of social replication world-wide, across a significant number of State jurisdictions (and let’s not forget to add back-up replicas, just in case!), and let each replica be a business, thus optimizing to the actual architecture of the computer network known as “Internet,” which is optimized for the client-server, producer-consumer distinction, and also to the actual architecture of human society, where businesses concentrate a few specialists that maintain services for users who don’t really have to know much about how it works.
There’s more to the design of EOS that I like, such as the governance features, the social safety net (recover the funds you misplaced by calling a friend), and the transparent inflation mechanism used to replace the unusable ritual of calculating transaction fees (though tiny, invisible fees will still be needed as a spam-prevention measure, I believe). But the main thing about EOS is the realization that you can’t really do much better in terms of cost reduction and increased bandwidth and latency than using specialized hardware and Grid Computing (the cousin of “clould” that isn’t foggy). I’m not sure what Lisk and other similar projects with 20 to 100 block producers are planning to do, but EOS has, to me, the largest, most public commitment to performance and the strongest display of dropping the cargo-cult of Bitcoin design paranoia — which had its usefulness in 2009, but no longer in 2018.
In short, we have three types of blockchain networks in operation or in development:
EOS-like systems: maximum performance, minimum cost;
Ethereum-like systems: work as social insurance for the EOS-like systems, supplies extra security for those niche applications that need it more than low latency and high bandwidth;
Bitcoin-like systems: museum artifacts.
The Ethereum-like and EOS-like systems are not really in competition, in the sense that we don’t want one to destroy the other. We need both systems. However, “EOS” (really, EOS-like systems) will “destroy” everything else because they will capture most of the market, the same way all the smaller e-mail services vanished, and everyone uses either Gmail now or some e-mail dinosaur product that their employers have pushed on them. Why use something slow, expensive and complicated to operate, when the user can have something fast, cheap and simple — something that’s actually more secure, because the actual weak link in security is not “the evil government and the hackers” but the user or, to be precise, the user not having a clue about what they are doing?
Finally, I’m not sure the EOS project specifically will be able to deliver. EOS is run by humans, and humans are fallible. But I do believe that a consortium blockchain works incomparably better than a “pure peer-to-peer” blockchain when we have a directly democratic (or the anarcho-capitalist approximation of that, by way of money-based voting) control of who exactly belongs in that consortium.
and now bitfinex is building decentralized exchange eosfinex on platform
The partnership aims to leverage EOS.IO’s platform for horizontal scaling of decentralised apps
EOS.IO and Bitfinex have partnered up to build the first decentralized exchange to be built on the EOS.IO technology. EOSfinex aims to combine the scalability and speed of EOS.IO with Bitfinex’s industry-leading expertise. The new project is said to deliver an “on-chain” exchange designed to offer a fast, transparent and trustless platform for the trading of digital assets
EOS is also the best-funded software project in history. They literally have billions to develop their product
pc source = fabiana cecin
Hey @dan - you're a great developer and EOS will be huge (STEEM too, so there will def. be a fight - even though, in my opinion, both have different niches). So i respect the article per-se.
But could you not give free money to plagiarising content?
Original Article posted on 31rd of January:
The only thing that boiiii wrote to copying a whole article is this:
Really shocked to see that @zombee downvoted your comment, @therealwolf. Would love to hear his reasoning.
Anyway, thanks for pointing this out. It almost got my upvote. Completely unacceptable, dishonest, and scammy. Especially since that vague "source" at the bottom doesn't even link to the original article. I am SO tired of this behavior on the platform.
My guess is that he took my comment and critcism for his own self-vote via dmania personal.
But hey - if not. I'm open to hear reasons.
Exactly! That's what I'm talking about!
lol dnt ask reason y he downvoted u man ... users like u are threat to steemit ... its jst a post but seee urself hw u reacting u want everything all credits attention n everything asking people to downvote and all nonsense .. u jst dnt want tht a user like me or a small users of steemit get reward like this i have mentioned everything in post ..but jealousy is a big bad thing it can destroy u :D
I want small users to be rewarded, but not by plagiarising content.
Be creative and original and you shall have an upvote - copy more stuff from other people and it will rain downvotes. Easy as that :)
yeah wht abt dan i have made him fool ?lol he upvoted by himself and he did coz people of steemit can also read abt it look i ll transfr all the funds of ths post to u dnt worry u have worked hard on this post and i told i have shared it for people and all if u dnt like it jst gv flag and stay away enjoy ur life mate
Don’t you think you’re in search of money... actually you know im not a fool you did this stuff because you wanted people to upvote your comment and support you so i can see boiiii is not greedy actually you’re you don’t try to fool people don’t even imagine thag you’ll get upvote from @dan
@patelsakir You got yourself fooled.
You this is what you trying to defence😂😂
If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth
Hey @therealwolf we are minnowers and we love eos much and we are eager to pramote the love of eos among all steemians and rather we dont copy past and if we do some of them as we are not professional and not a pro to steem we do some bit but we share our link source where we got it.HOPE U ENJOY READING MY COMMENT PLS DO VOTE 😊
@muh543 You can promote EOS all you want - it's a great blockchain. But copying content from other people is not ok!
But writing the source from where he copied is ethical😉
It is one thing to state what another source said and post a link to it. and state that it is a copy from the other source. You can do this by simply placing the copy in "xxx" AND than add your own words to talk about it or add more information. This is acceptable. HOWEVER a straight copy and paste is not ok.
@safvan not if you copy the whole thing and get paid for it hundreds of dollars.
As long as the source is included, he is considered ethical, and people choose to upvote him despite knowing the article is not original is not his decision afterall.
Stealing an entire article is not allowed even if you cite the source. It’s like stealing from Walmart and selling the goods with a sign saying “stolen from Walmart”. It does not make it ethical. I haven’t downvoted this blog, as others have already done it.
I don’t hesitate to downvote plagiarism when I find it, even if the source of the theft is mentioned.
It is OK to write a blog talking about what someone else wrote. You can include properly sourced quotes from that blog, maybe a few words, a sentence, or even an entire paragraph, to illustrate your point. It is definitely NOT OK to copy the entire blog, with or without mentioning the source.
@therealwolf is 100% right on this.
Agree with you
That's wrong. The source should have been at least at the top. And I'm pretty sure that @dan didn't read the article - the headline says enough and additionally the formatting is bad.
It is not ethical nor is it fair use
Ok bro u can read and upvote our post if u like to read about eos hope u will like it and lets chill buddy dont be so rude😉
He's not being rude at all
Look bro i am not attention seeker or greedy or anythng else u thinking abt... If i wanted to take credits i wouldnt mention the source of this post but no i did mentioned everything and i didnt do it for money i have done for the steemit users and for eos users to make them aware about eos.. Thanks i dnt mind even this post get 0 usd or delete i jst want people to know more and more about my fav eos
You had the option of not accepting the payouts....
Bro look at my post also eos LOVER HERE hope ull like reading it.
Please help me sir give me tips please my post not growing if you have facebook please give so i easily get answer of my question please
We have found that all or part of the above post may have been copied from:
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@steemcleaners i have already mentioned post source first after tht i have mentioned post link @dan resteemed this post after watchn everythng and yes i got it from author only.. Just few people flag is through 15 20 bot accounts and u r also flagn my every post ok m leaving steemit no problem jst bighwales around here to trouble everyday some one from a group of gang flagn my all post so tired now good bye :D @steemcleaners
No, no, don't leave. all you simply have to do is state that this is from Fabiana Cecin of Medium posted Jan 31. Provide a link, then state you are re-posting it on Stemit. That's it.
Coool ok i have done it
@cryptoboiiii I want you to know that it is not OK to use another person’s hard work like this, even if you acknowledge the original author.
You could have instead included a link to the original article and made a few though provoking comments of your own.
Stealing an entire article is not allowed even if you cite the source. It’s like stealing from Walmart and selling the goods with a sign saying “stolen from Walmart”. It does not make it ethical.
It is OK to write a blog talking about what someone else wrote. You can include properly sourced quotes from that blog, maybe a few words, a sentence, or even an entire paragraph, to illustrate your point. It is definitely NOT OK to copy the entire blog, irrespective of whether you are mentioning the source.
@therealwolf is 100% right on this.
Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:
I'm thinking EOS is more of a platform than a "money" like Bitcoin (e.g. crypto currency) is.
But these days, the meaning of "money" seems to be ubiquitous with everything crypto.
The majority of Crypto Currencies are more or less platforms, and not actual currencies. Though many still can be used as a currency if required.
If you are comfortable with the government, deep state, and shadow government knowing all of your interactions then EOS is for you. If you think voting will fix the problems that democracy has, then EOS is for you.
Downvoted because of not stating the content is taken from elsewhere and missing link to the source.
Just a notification for a proper flagging. You probably won't get another flag.
Thanks man but this bot are flagging my all post every two days he come n downvote me lol i dnt knw and he google n paste link bla bla from 45 i came down to 11 lvl they flag me on comments also wht to do?
Ok boss post edited i have mentioned source link now sorry my apology @hr1
Sir please help me sir my post not growing give the tips and if you use facebook please give me link so i easily get help about my questions please sir
@therealwolf i think you are attention seeker u want to get money . As long as i think he clearly mention the source whats the problem u have ?
Look at
He didn't have the article's source at the beginning but added it when people called him out for it. I'm not judging anyone, just thought I'd point it out to you.
Is it fair use of downvote... Downvoting through bot or few member gangs 15 downvote at a sametime howcome i dnt understand
@dan @aceh @zombee
If there is BOTS for example, somehow auto downvoting, that would discourage new users from joining Steemit. It can also destroy this fine platform.
see this they are doing it onvmy everyvposts commentd
I dnt understand the.probelm of @therealwolf and @hr1 ..dan resteemed this post after reading it he read everythng abt source cheetah link n all.. But thn also u guys having a problem.. Tho there is no cure of ur problem
The problem is that it is not proof-of-brain. You should post with your words, not copy paste.
The topic is very good, EOS is excellent, but it was written by other person.
Please help me i can not growing my vote please
Exactly, reward here is based on "proof-of-brain". I dont have anything against EOS or the awesomeness it carries with it. However, just copying a full article that someone else spent a whole of time to write, and expecting to get rewarded for it is completely wrong. It doesn't even have an atom of your own input to it.
If you really wanted to get this post and EOS the visibility you feel it deserves, then you could at least have written in your own words something you think about EOS and thereafter attach a link to the supposed plagiarized article.
completely agree. I was rather nervous with EOS approach of “just” 21 block producers. but then I thought for a while and you express it in the perfect way, the world is not the same now. the full crypto ecosystem ensures EOS cannot be censured, because it wouldn’t make any sense with Ethereum still around or other similar blockchains. Every blockchain ensures the safety of all the rest and will coexist.
Great news for all of us!
Great post!
Thnks mate share it let others know abt it..
shared! just a quick correction. there will be no transaction fees at all. the spamming control is provided by the limited resources reserved by the tokens you own. if you need more resources and they are available you will be able to use them but if the system is at 100% those limits start to apply (i heard this from dan in one of his videos)
@therealwolf bro he mentioned the source from where he wrote and one more thing he tried to help all the steemit user beacuse it would be easy task for them.
Yeah my intention is tht not all users go there and read those stuff so i have posted it here coz people can know about eos..
@cryptoboiiii sure. Is that also your argument for the 4 other posts I've flagged?
You can link the post, quote it and add your own content to it - but simply copy pasting it and earning rewards for it? Not on my watch.
Bro why dont you understand if he wanted to get all the credits he would have not mentioned the post !!! He mentioned the source so in that sense it makes him ethical?
Bro u can do wtewa u want i am jst writing source n all u may flag my all posts am nt attention seeker nor i want upvote from dan like u
@safvan you also got flagged for plagiarising content.
Bro i knw u want attention go on !!!
I guess it was the rivalry atmosphere in there?
What is the reality of a content of any post if there is a lot of plagiarism or some sort of misunderstanding to each of you. content must be origunal but sadly there are people want to reblog those they wanted to blog but. in the means of originality. what will be the basis of a certain topics if they should help nor upvoted or downvoted of an's up to you guys, like me i am earning 0.50 sbd a day and that's ok with me as my post original or plagiasm it's up to the content. if is it helping those poeple or not. just for myself. helping each other here is the best we should do.
Agree with u
I appreciate Thank you @cryptoboiii we are not born yesterday.
Please give me tips i can not grow my post
I gladly vouche for my religion towards EOS ^.^ I am curious how Bitfinex's DEX is gonna be, going from a centralized exchange towards a decentralized is a rather big milestone...
ok ok nice debate and all but nice informative post and dan must have resteem it after reading it only he can see what is written etc etc guys whts the problem dnt be jealous let people know abt eos please keep peace
Dan got his eyes he restemeed this post after reading it he found something tht people of steemit can know about it bro be positive relax and chill
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Plagiarized or not, I still don't completely agree with this article, not because I don't believe in the merits of EOS, but because in this crypto world just when you think you have the answer to everything it all just goes unravels, what the articles says could happen just don't put all your money on it.
@therealwolf ok if i wanted all the attention or credit or money i would not have mentioned the source or even i didnt do it for money .. I did it to make people aware about this project.. And look most of people have comented positively here but u wanted attention and vote from dan so u did this things but my intention ws jst to make people aware about eos.. Many users post copy paste contents here most of people upvote them why?? Bcz they get information from tht posts or from my this post.. So i dont care about flag or bla bla wtewa u wana do.. I dnt care if this post get deleted now..
Now Dan is resteeming plagiarized content? C'mon, you creators!
@therealwolf bro he mentioned source
Morever @dan saw something in post which he thinks people should be aware of so whats d problem?
I agree he mentioned the source so its upto people whether they want to like it or not .but his post are liked by many people so whats the problem @therealwolf
Very interesting to see how everything plays out in the crypto world this year! I like EOS, but I also like Anonymous coins like bytecoin! I think we will see a huge demand for anonymous type coins this year! Great post
@baah @Berniesanders @dan check this post they have done same stuff i have mentioned name first but after that this guy and his bots troubling me everyday
@therealwolf If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth
@therealwolf u are not wolf u are big dog so please keep calm and suport criptoboiii👍