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RE: Introducing the EOS Blog on Steemit

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

EOS is the blockchain for building commercial scale decentralized applications that are indistinguishable from centralized alternatives.


can it do side chains?


Is the smart contract programming language Turing complete?

Yes, though it is given limited execution time before it is killed.

I think I know what EOS is about now from your posts which hint at it (decentralization).I look forward to the crowdsale.

Please how do I purchase eos

Will there be any bonus EOS shares giveaway for Steem users, like it had been done during Golos crowdsale?

He mentioned last time that there will be no sharedrop.

i thought that was exactly what bitshares graphene was.

Technologically, Bitshares is said to be better than Ethereum.
Now, EOS is to be better than Ethereum.
What now of Bitshares and EOS, which is better?

Now I like the sound of this!

Hi Dan, sounds like a cool project. Unique paralyzable commercial scale dapps platform with an abundance of capacity.